Thursday, August 22, 2019

Who is the Greek Bad boy Xander on Days of Our Lives?!

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There’s a dangerous hunk stirring up trouble again, but some newer viewers can be forgiven for wondering who is Xander on DAYS OF OUR LIVES. Alexandros Kiriakis, aka Xander Cook, was introduced in March of 2015 as Victor Kiriakis’ nephew from his second brother, Titus, as played by actor Paul Telfer. He disappeared by the end of the year, but returned again for brief stints in 2016 and 2017.
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He returned in the spring of 2018 for another brief appearance, then again in October. Now he's back in 2019 and still up to no good!
When Xander first appeared in Salem, he was the head of an international blood diamond smuggling ring, running a European pharmaceutical company as a cover. He met and began flirting with Nicole Walker, and it was revealed that he’s been running criminal operations and laundering money for his Uncle Victor. But both Victor and Brady wanted nothing to do with their relative.
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Nicole used Xander to try and make Daniel Jonas jealous but it sent him into a rage and he plotted revenge. When Eric stopped his attack on Nicole, Xander trapped them in the furnace room at Titan and tuned up the heat intending to kill them. Brady and the police rescued them as Xander was kidnapped by Victor’s henchmen. Victor chastised his nephew for bringing undue attention to his own criminal activities but stopped short of having him killed. The police couldn’t make the charges stick, so Xander remained free, but hated by everyone in Salem. Theresa Donovan even seduced him and cried rape so that he would be arrested.
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Determined to take revenge on both Theresa and Nicole, Xander managed to escape from his prison transport and returned to Salem. After he failed to strangle Theresa, Xander teamed up with fellow escapees Clyde Weston and Orpheus. They held Kayla and Joey hostage and when Steve tried to save them, he got shot and the trio abducted Joey. Later, Xander went off on his own, and Deimos helped him fake his death predicting Xander would be of use one day.
In April of 2017, Xander found Brady and Nicole in a cabin in Canada, holding them at gunpoint. After shooting Brady, he left him for dead, taking off with Nicole and her daughter, Holly. He reported back to Deimos, who was pleased with his actions. Xander took Nicole and Holly to his private island on Greece, but thankfully Eric showed up to rescue them. Xander’s men grabbed Eric and they locked him up with Nicole. Deimos showed up for Nicole, but she and Eric turned the table on Xander and escaped, locking him in the cage. When the authorities arrived, Deimos was arrested, but Xander lied and claimed he was working alone.
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Although Xander was locked up in a Greek prison when he was considered a suspect in Deimos’ murder, the hunk reappeared in Mexico when he ran into Theresa while doing business with Mateo. She convinced him that she could convince Victor to welcome him back into the Kiriakis mansion if he helped her escape Mateo and return to Salem.  Xander tried to blackmail his way into the position of CEO of Titan, but Victor called his bluff. Not wanting to leave Salem empty handed, Xander broke into the safe in the Kiriakis mansion, and while he was stopped from taking the cash, he did manage to abscond with a recording that turned out to be Brady yelling at Nicole about her killing Deimos.
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Xander resurfaced when Eric tracked down Nicole and was shocked to find that the villain had used the recording to force her to marry him! But before Eric and Nicole could figure a way out of that mess, it was revealed that Xander was working with Kristen DiMera and there was an explosion at a warehouse that left everyone believing that they, along with Nicole, had perished! 
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But now it has been revealed that Xander not only survived the explosion, he also got Jack Deveraux out safely, and offered the amnesiac patient to Eve Donovan as a way to destroy Jennifer Horton. But he wants something from Eve in exchange. What is his master plan? Stay tuned to find out, and for more DAYS !
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