Thursday, August 27, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Anthony Parker: Male SuperModel

Anthony Parker
The Super Male Model
Part 2
by Christopher Uvenio
1. With your Amazing Good looks and a fabulous body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?
Healthy eating and regular trips to the gym.

2 What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out?
Rock music usually
3. Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?
Kenneth Cole and Polo, Express, H&M. There isn’t really any designer who I don’t like.

4. How do you keep up to date with fashion?
I follow GQ on Facebook and follow numerous fashion accounts on Instagram.
5. What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
Definitely brief
6. What made you first become a model?
The end of my baseball career
7. How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot?
I was nervous but very excited

8. How do you feel about the female model controversy of the size 0 debate in the industry? 
I think that if a woman can look good in front of a camera then she doesn’t necessarily have to be size 0.
9.If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead? 
Culinary arts or gym teacher
10. What are guilty pleasures food wise? 
11. How do you cope under the pressures of being a model and is being nude also a pressure? 
I haven’t really felt any pressure being a model and as far as being nude, I’m confident in my body so have no problem with it.

12. What beauty tips do you swear by? 
Apricot face scrub
13. What’s your favorite colour?
14. What colour would you not wear?
Olive Green
15. You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 years
I plan on modeling for the next 40 years.

16. What do you do in leisure/spare time?
Watch tv, mostly sports and hang with friends.

17. What advice would you give a newbie who's just starting in the industry - any suggestions on what to do or what to avoid?
Be confident in yourself but be aware of scams because they are out there.

 Thank you Anthony! You're truly inspiring!

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