Monday, March 9, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Taylor Fuchs

Interview by Christopher Uvenio

"I started to model about five years ago and my first job was an editorial for 10 magazine..."

"I think traveling to Japan for a shoot was one of the most memorable experiences. Just to be able to see and experience the differences in culture really stuck with me..."

 "I spend most of my time playing piano, composing songs, and taking classes to further my education in acting..."

-Hello Taylor,  I'm  really flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my online mag, to start this interview off, please give me some background information.  
Well I was born and raised in Saskatchewan and now live in New York. My family still lives in Saskatchewan and they have been amazingly supportive. Before I started modeling I went to the University of Calgary for two years and studied natural science. I also recently attended the William Esper Studio to study acting technique.

-When did you start to model and what was your first modeling job?I started to model about five years ago and my first job was an editorial for 10 magazine.-What was your first impression of the modeling world and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn't expect?The opportunity to model was very unexpected but was an incredibly exciting change for me. I remember the biggest surprise at the very start was the fact that a lot of the editorial work that models shoot is without pay.

-You are a very successful model, what have been some of the most memorable modeling experiences you had so far?I think traveling to Japan for a shoot was one of the most memorable experiences. Just to be able to see and experience the differences in culture really stuck with me.

Apart from modeling, would you like to pursue another field, such as acting? If it so, what role would you like to play?I have been focusing on acting and music in the past couple years. In terms of searching for a role it really just comes down to finding something that challenges me, something I can connect with, and something that will push me out of my comfort zone.-Turning to some personal questions,  what do you remember about your school days,  did you have many friends and what was your favorite subject?I had a lot of fun growing up in Saskatchewan. I had a great group of friends that are still a big part of my life. I would say my favorite subjects were math and gym.

-How do you like to spend your free time and what is the meaning of fun and having a good time for you?I spend most of my time playing piano, composing songs, and taking classes to further my education in acting. Also now that it is getting warmer I spend a lot more time outside playing basketball. I would say that as long as you are in good company you can have fun no matter where you are.
-Do you have a personal motto, that sums up your thoughts about life in a sentence?
Hakuna matata

Thanks  Taylor for taking your time to answer my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!
Thanks a lot!

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