Tuesday, March 10, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Andrei Andrei

"I went with a friend to a local modeling agency in my town 'cause he wanted to be a model and he didn't want to be alone..."

"I think versatility is the key for being a successful model..and having a very good agent of course..."

"Asia is for sure one of the most interesting places to go to..."

Hello Andrei, I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my blog to start this interview off, please give me some background information.
Hey, nice to be here I was born in Arad, Romania and I'm based in Timisoara, but I don't really get there too often since I'm travelling almost all the time. My parents live in the countryside, very modest family and I have also a brother that is a DJ.

-Do you remember how and when did you start modeling and your first modeling photo shoot? Did anyone ever tell you that you should be a model before that?
I went with a friend to a local modeling agency in my town 'cause he wanted to be a model and he didn't want to be alone...then an agent in Bucharest saw me at a fashion show and he liked me very much...So he started proposing me to agencies outside of the country and he made my first test shooting with a famous photographer in Romania.

-What did you bought with your very first earning as a model?I had to pay back the money I borrowed earlier..:) paying rent, expenses stuff like that.

What aspect of modeling is your favorite and what is your least favorite? Well I love visiting new places, meeting new people, shooting with professional people and having the pictures to improve your work and image ..being better and better.
The worst aspect is that you have always distance relationships with friends or girlfriends..but still its nice to always update the list of friends.

-Surely you are a very successful model, what do you think is the key to be chosen by photographers and clients in such a competitive market?I think its very important if you really want something to stick with that thing ...I have been rejected many times but I kept coming back with different look different attitude kept renewing myself so I think versatility is the key for being a successful model..and having a very good agent of course.

Apart from modeling, would you like to pursue another field, such as acting? If it so, what role would you like to play?
I have a proposition for a TV serial back home ..but I would have to stay in one place and take a break from modeling, I’m still thinking about it.

-Tell me more about yourself, how would you describe who Andrei is? Which adjectives would you use?
I don’t think I’m in the right position to do that …I’m just a normal guy.

-I'm sure you travel alot, what was the most interesting place you have ever visited?Asia is for sure one of the most interesting places to go to. Its very different than our culture and there are a lot of new things to learn but I still have to go to America and Australia and I’m looking forward to do that in the next period..

-If you weren't modeling, what do you think you'd be doing now?
I wanted to be and architect but as I finished IT University I would have probably been behind a desk or something...my worst nightmare :P.  

-Thanks Andrei for taking your time to reply to my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!Always my pleasure : )..I also have a personal web page www.andreiandrei.com and  Thank you for featuring me and keep up the good work .


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