Tuesday, March 10, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Jake Davies

"In my opinion it’s not one or two campaigns that makes a successful model but a diverse collection. Dior is of course a very prestigious brand to represent and one that I was delighted to work with..."


"Recently I played a part in the Chanel Paris-Moscow silent movie, it was great fun..."
I’m quite a focused person, not the biggest self-promoter and often wary of those who are..."

Hello Jake, I am proud you accepted to be interviewed for my blog!, to start this interview off, although you're very famous, please give me some background information.Famous ??! ahaha
The middle of three brothers originally from North Yorkshire in England a place called Airedale, which is in the middle of nowhere.  Although this is where I was born I grew up in Northamptonshire with my mother and two brothers, attended Stowe School in Buckingham before going to Bristol University to study Business…bored yet?!

Who discovered you and convinced you to become a model? How did it happen and where?Surprisingly I was discovered a few times before I actually did anything about it.
 The first was whilst working with a friend on the door of a nightclub on the strip in Magaluff, Mallorca!  We had just finished some exams and thought it would be fun to do something very very different to what all our friends were doing at the time.

Having been in the gym for a few months between studies and prior to arriving, we managed to convince the club owners that we were experienced security and became door security to a busy club that night. I think I was more embarrassed than flattered on occasions where people would pass and say “no offence but you look more like a model than a bouncer”.  I used to pretend I was Spanish and didn’t speak any English to spare myself and ensure that my cover wasn’t blown.  I was sure the only reason for the ‘no offence’ part was because the person working with and standing next to me was a giant that made Arnie look small.  

It wasn’t until after I’d finished my studies that I actually seriously considered it and thought it could be quite fun.
-Do you recall your first modelling assignment? How did you feel during it?That was a while ago now but yes I do remember it.  Shooting in underwear was a bit daunting and made me wonder what I’d got myself into, doing something like that now doesn’t even cross my mind.

-Which do you prefer doing: runway shows or fashion shoots? Which of them do you think is more difficult and why?I really enjoy both and have had some great experiences with each. I suppose both come in different scales.  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t prefer shoots as you often have a more creative and unique input to the occasion.


-You're a very successful model and you have done a lot of major campaigns, in your opinion, which of them has contributed the most to your success? The Ad Campaign for the Dior fragrance?I’ve been very fortunate, good fortune can play quite a big part in a successful models career. Despite this, I believe that people have the ability to help to create their own luck.
In my opinion it’s not one or two campaigns that makes a successful model but a diverse collection. Dior is of course a very prestigious brand to represent and one that I was delighted to work with.

-What aspect of modelling is your favourite and what is your least favourite?I like to travel, see new and different places and meet people in whatever I’m doing or wherever I might be.  I love working and would say it’s a real luxury to be able to work with friends.
My least favourite aspect of the job would be taking luggage everywhere and sometimes having airlines lose it … annoying!

-Tell me about your professional plans: apart from modelling, what else would you like to pursue… Acting career?I wouldn’t like to rule anything out. Recently I played a part in the Chanel Paris-Moscow silent movie, it was great fun.  It was all shot in just 2 days and directed by Karl Lagerfeld who is excellent with his direction and knew exactly what he wanted from the movie which meant that there wasn’t much waiting around, something that I imagine is often be the case on film sets. 

-Tell me something about yourself, how would you describe who Jake Davies is? Which adjectives would you use for this purpose?That’s a harder question than I first thought, I guess I’d say I’m quite a focused person, not the biggest self-promoter and often wary of those who are.

-When you have time for leisure activities, what do you like to do?I like watching movies, my new favourite being Scarface (the original 1932 version) I like the humour and the period as well as the mannerisms and attire, the cars are great also.
Spending time doing anything with family and friends is always important and sometimes even a pleasure.
  The gym features quite strongly in my leisure activities and not just for work reasons as I used to train more before I started modelling but I’ve always got a kick out of it and I find its a good way to start the day, not just for the body but the mind also.

Thanks Jake for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift for me and my readers!You’re welcome.
Thank you.

Jake x

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