Friday, March 6, 2015

5 Questions fo SuperModel: Kenny Brain

5 Questions for Kenny Brain
by Christopher Uvenio
A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit?

It would have to be stroking my beard. I realize it may be a bit excessive but it's become this relaxing tic almost! I got a tweet while I was in the house about stroking it so much and they told me to stop because it wasn't 'princess hair'. Haha.  I thought that was super funny.  I refer to my beard as princess hair now.  

Which flavour of ice cream best describes your personality?

Probably rocky road. It's smooth and creamy but once in a while you come across something rock hard you kinda gotta work to get through. 

What's the worst thing you've ever had to do for money?

Clean beaver crap out of a clogged drainage system when I worked for a conservation corp. I did have a wet suit on though. (Still was afraid of beaver fever!) 
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Any way. I'm an egg fanatic. But scrambled is usually my first choice. Takes zero skill to make good scrambled eggs and I'm not exactly a master chef. 
If the world was coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips?
Holy crap. That's a tough one? Besides my dog (who probably doesn't count) I'm gonna go with Murray Bartlett. With a moustache. Actually without would work too.
Thanks Kenny!

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