Top Drawers: An Interview With Designer Matthew Zink
You could imagine my reaction when I saw the latest advertorial campaign from Charlie by Matthew Zink (total ah-ha moment). Not only did Matthew team up with one of  the best Iconic  photographers in fashion..  Greg Vaughan but he also managed to have the studly  David Picard as the model.Top Drawers: An Interview With Designer Matthew Zink

By all means I had to know more about this fantastic collaboration, so I asked Matthew Zink a few questions and this is what he had to say – Roll it!
Top Drawers: An Interview With Designer Matthew Zink

 What inspires Matthew Zink?
MZ: Seeing fans enjoying their “Charlie” around the world really inspires me… I am extremely pleased with how the story turned out.  I truly feel that people are sexy, not clothes.  #Charliefans are the real soul of the brand.
Top Drawers: An Interview With Designer Matthew Zink

  I follow you on Instagram and I’ve seen a lot of good-looking guys sharing their “Charlie” pictures with you. With that said, why did you choose David Picard as your model?
MZ: David is an exceptionally handsome guy with a terrific energy. I chose him both for his beauty and his enthusiasm.  He was so excited to collaborate as soon as I inquired. 
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I only ever want to work with talented people that are just as excited about the project as I am, because you can always taste that energy in the images.  David is also a photographer, so it made him a very talented model for Greg Vaughan. 
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  Speaking of Greg Vaughan, he is an Iconic Photographer  and How was it working with him?
MZ: I have been a great fan of Greg Vaughan for some time. His work is so beautiful and honest.  To FINALLY collaborate with him was incredible, we had a fantastic time working together.
Top Drawers: An Interview With Designer Matthew Zink

  Lastly, is this the start of a new trend/campaign? Are we going to see more #Charliefans as the “face” of the brand?
MZ: I ABSOLUTELY will continue to try and reach out to #Charliefans and challenge myself to think of new exciting ways to involve them in the vision for Charlie. So stay tuned and keep submitting those fan photos!

There you have it boys… Now if you’ll excuse me I have to hit the gym, I really need to work on my body if I want to become the next “Charlie” model.
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