Tuesday, July 1, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Bill McLarnon

(Photography by  Leonardo Corredor)
Bill McLarnon
 The Super Male Model
Part One  by Christopher Uvenio
A very handsome young man blessed with equally beautiful genes from his bodybuilder father and mother who also happens to be a model. Bill McLarnon has perfect genes. Tall and suave sexiness, and a  smile to die for.Beauty and male seduction with this splendid Bill McLarnon. His looks is everywhere from the Runway to the fashion magazines. He had worked with the celebrity  photographers of Bruce Weber, and David Vance. And he is also one of the leading men for the upcoming Uvenio Coffee table book too!

                                                                  (Photography by  Leonardo Corredor)

From a move to Fort Lauderdale, Florida and an agent walking up to me in a mall, I ended up getting into the world of modeling after all.  Now I’m pursuing it full time.

With your Amazing Good looks and a fabulous body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?

I’ll have to thank my father who was a bodybuilder many years haha….and from taking karate from the age of 5 to 12.  I became a black belt at age 10 and a second-degree black belt by age 12.  All the push-ups, sit ups, breaking boards, and fighting developed my physique as I grew up.  From age 12 to 18 I played football and basketball along with running track.  I currently lift weights 5 days a week along with running at least 3 days a week.
Instagram media by billmclarnon - Just get #wild.  Shot by @neal_franc.
 (Photography by Neal Franc)

What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out? 
I’ve got to have upbeat, fast and powerful music.  Mainly hip hop, rap, and house music gives off that vibe. Its what motivates me inside.  I try not to rely on music at all times but I do have songs that push me in the gym.

(Photography by David Vance)

Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?
My favorite designers I wear are Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren Polo, Guess, and a few others.  I’m not obsessed with any one brand.  If the clothes fit well and look good, then I’m happy.
I like keeping it positive and uplifting so I will not mention what designers I won’t wear.Instagram media by billmclarnon - #Nightfolks @judaneira

How do you keep up to date with fashion?
As a man, I simply pick up the latest magazine issues of GQ, Details, etc to get ideas of what to wear.                                         

What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
Its all about briefs.  Boxers will never be as sexy.

What made you first become a model?
I’ve always had an inclination for acting.  Modeling is basically acting in front of a camera.  I did my first photo shoot with an agent who scouted me in a mall.  I saw the results of the photos and I was inspired.  I was determined to make it work.
How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot? 
I remember my first shoot ever with Jorge Freire.  It was pretty freaking awesome.  We threw music on and went to town being creative in the studio.  We also went out in Florida to Hollywood and Aventura to do outdoor shots.  It was my first official shoot, but I saw what I could create working together with a photographer as a team.
(Photography by David Vance)

 How do you feel about the female model controversy of the size 0 debate in the industry?
I know it is very hard for girls to get down to a size 0 dress.  It can be a standard in the industry.  There is so much competition out there, and unfortunately this can be one of the deciding factors for agencies.                
                                                                                 (Photography by  Leonardo Corredor)

 If you  were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead? 
I would be working my way up in corporate America with a sales job.  That is what I was doing before modeling.  Then I would start my own business.

 What are guilty  pleasures food wise? 
I love big, juicy cheeseburgers and Doritos. Two of my biggest food weaknesses.

 How do you cope under the pressures of being a model and is being nude also a pressure? 
It’s not hard.  Just remember you’re in full control of what images of you are out there.  Just think, you don’t have to photograph a certain way if you do not want to.  It’s your body and face.
(photography by Christain Alexander)

 What beauty tips do you swear by? 
Hmm.  Well I can tell you it’s all about moisturizing your skin if you want a long career as a male model.  The biggest problem is getting wrinkles on your face which would slowly make you less desirable to be photographed for jobs.  With proper care of taking care of yourself, you do not need to worry about it.  Keep your skin hydrated.
                                                            (photography by Bruce Weber)
What’s your favorite colour?
When it comes to cars, yellow.  Anything else, red.

What colour would you not wear?
I would not wear any color that is bright or light such as orange, green, yellow, or light blue.  To me, it’s just not masculine like the darker colors.

You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 years?
In the next 5 years I have many big plans. I see myself modeling for many high-end brands along with commercials.  I’ve been taking acting classes and I do see myself in the movies as well.

(Bill McLarnon's Father as Body Builder!)

What was it like working with the amazing talented Dance Vance and Bruce Weber?!
It’s an amazing opportunity to work with both legendary photographers.  I always learn something new every time I shoot with both of them.  They are both top-notch photographers. 
What do you do in leisure/spare time? 
I like traveling.  Seeing new places.  I also like going to the beach or a pool.

What advice would you give a newbie who's just starting in the industry - any suggestions on what to do or what to avoid?
Find yourself a good agent and someone you can trust.  They will give you great advice and help lead you in this critiquing business.  Believe in yourself and don’t let criticism get you down.  Stay positive and keep the dream alive.
End of Part 1
Part 2: The Making of the Uvenio Coffee Table Book

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