Monday, June 30, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Anthony Parker Part 2

Anthony Parker by Christopher Uvenio

Anthony Parker is back for his exclusive part 2 interview! And The Second male model to be interviewed  for the Making of the Uvenio Coffee table book. And he will discussed his thoughts and what been happening behind the scenes of the coffee table book project!

What is it like that you are one of the 4   Male Models of the Coffee table Book?
-It was an incredible honor to be part of and to work with such talented individuals.
There was over 200 models that wanted to be in the book, Why do you think you have been chosen as one of the as one of the Male Models for the Book?
-I believe I was chosen for the book because I have both "boy next door" "all-american boy" looks but also bring hints of Italian male model as well.  
You drove over 10 hours from Indiana to be at the shoot that how was the experience like? Crazy wild or like Thelma & Louise? LOL
-Well on the way I split the trip in two and driving through Pennsylvania in the early morning after staying in a hotel was pretty incredible.  The drive was overall was uneventful however.  I would say the scenery was the best part.
The Photo shoot was done on location at Locanda Cavallo, what did you think of the location and the settings? You were there for 4 days. Sound like a mix of Vacation and work.
-Oh my goodness, the location was absolutely mind blowing.  The old European influence was gorgeous and was really a dream location for a photoshoot.  The family also made me feel like a king whenever I was there.  It was technically work but when you enjoy your job like I do then it didn't seem like work at all.
Did you have the time of your life working with various models and lots of glitz and glamour in the collection! 
-I really did have alot of fun with the crew and the designs.  Definitely will be something I won't forget anytime soon!

Previous Interview, you mentioned Uvenio as one of your favorite designers, why?
-Christopher thinks outside the box with his designs but not to the point where his clothing is too weird to wear like some designers I know.
What were some of your best moments doing the Uvenio Coffee table book? 
-Definitely at the end of the days after everyone had worked so hard and we let loose a bit.
You have been photographed in such classic cars, the barn, the country club, the estates, the hotel, the pool room, the country club and even a gorgeous marbled bathroom!    What was your favorite 
scenery of the shoot? 
-My favorite was shooting with the Bentley for sure.  Such a classic, beautiful car that told it's own story.
You worked with 2 beautiful supermodels, Lauren and Kimberly and they both have different style of modeling and looks. Can you explain the different of their modeling and working with them? Like Lauren has more of the Cutting Edge Attitude and Kimberly is more of the Avant Garde style…
-Both of them were extremely talented in their own way.  Lauren had the classic French look and attitude.  The best way to describe Kimberly is fierce.
Are you in several nude shots in the Coffee table book?
-Yes I am in quite a few.

How do you feel doing partial nude and why?
-I believe that the human body is the highest art form and especially for a high fashion coffee table book, I didn't have any problem with it.
You're a beautiful young man at the age of 22, what is your best features to show in the book?
-I have been told that I have "bedroom eyes" so I think I will bring a seductive look to the book.

And what is the Uvenio Coffee table book about?  An idea
-Its a story about open love and betrayal and deceit
What would make the audiences buy the book you are the star of? 
I think we pushed the envelope enough to not just be another coffee table book but not too much where its no longer classy

Since the Book doesn't have a name, what would be the best title of the book?
Love is Love
Do you have anything to say before we wrap up about the Coffee Table book project?
-I can't wait to see the finished product!

Thank you Anthony! You're the best and you know I'll be back for more interview with you soon!

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