Tuesday, July 1, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Ben Walter

Ben Walter:
 The Super Male Model in the Making
by Christopher Uvenio

Tell me about yourself, where are you from?     
 I was born June 21st, 1986 in Reading, Pennsylvania.  That would make me 28 years old.  Throughout my childhood I was active in sports all year round such as Baseball, Soccer, Wrestling and even Football.  As high school approached I wanted to focus on one sport and that was Baseball.  I was a very strong right handed pitcher and even had scouts looking my way.  My goal was to make it big and one day sign a contract with a major league team.    

With your Amazing Good looks and a fabulous body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?
 Staying in good shape is just a matter of staying active.  I eat healthy, but not going to lie I slip up with some pizza or a cheeseburger haha.  It also helps that I have high metabolism.

What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out? 
When I am at the gym I just throw on Pandora with any up-beat music that puts me in a good mood.  Lately it has been an Everclear station that plays good music from high school days. I always like to mix it up though so I listen to songs I haven’t heard before.

Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?
I am from the suburbs so I never really wore designer clothes.  Being in construction I would wear clothing that I didn’t really care if it would get dirty.  Now that I am in NY City I am seeing all these designers and can imagine myself wearing the clothing.  I find myself wanting to be dressed well in Armani, Dolce, Gabbana, and Ralph Lauren.

How do you keep up to date with fashion? 
 Mostly, I keep u with the fashion while walking through NY city looking at the big ads all over.  Also I keep up with it while I am surfing the net. 
What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
I am more of a brief kind of guy

What made you first become a model?   
  I always been complimented on how good looking I am.  Until mid February when I was scouted I never gave it a thought that one day I would be modeling. 

 How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot? 
 At my first photo shoot I was nervous on the inside but didn’t let it show.  So while shooting I became more comfortable and got in the zone.  With my first fashion show was for Timo Weiland and when I went to the fitting they told me that I would be wearing nothing but a back pack.  I fell in love with the back pack when I saw it.  So I said sure lets do this. Lol.   Right before walking the runway I was like okay I am about to walk out there naked with a back pack and its going to be on Youtube.  I just closed my eyes and got in the zone and walked it and I nailed it.  

 How do you feel about the female model controversy of the size 0 debate in the industry?
 They’re females that are just small because that’s how they are.  I don’t believe that females should unhealthily lose weight to get into the industry.  It’s just not necessary to do so.

 If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead?
I would probably still be in the construction industry. 
 What are guilty  pleasures food wise?  
O man, it would be pizza!  I absolutely love pizza.  The grease, cheese, sauce everything lol.

 How do you cope under the pressures of being a model and is being nude also a pressure?
I drink haha.  Being nude is a pressure but its my decision to be nude in front of the camera and I just embrace it because I think it is art.

 What beauty tips do you swear by? 
I am just starting so I don’t know yet but for me going to the gym and staying in shape is key.

  If a young girl/boy wanted to be a model what would your advice for them be?
The quicker you understand the industry the better off your going to be.  Set goals and work hard to achieve them.  Lastly always be grateful for where you are in life or where it can take you, but never forget where you came from. 

What’s your favorite color?
My favorite color is blue.

What color would you not wear?
That would probably be hot pink.

You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 years?
Yes so far I love it and I am so excited to see where it can take me in life.  

What do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Lord willing I am still in the modeling industry or better yet acting!

Thank you so Ben! Would love to see you rock in my menswear collection when you are ready!

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