Friday, May 9, 2014

Tylor Elder: World Premiere Interview

                   Tylor Elder of Colby Models 
 Musician/Singer. Songwriter/ Male Model with gigs/rolls under his belt! He is also one of the most talked-about Male model for weeks and exclusively at Colby Models!  
So how did you decide having a career in Modeling?   
-I’ve always had a unique personality trait that everyone found easy to get along with which sparked my interest in the industry. As a musician I’ve always been focused on music but once I met Ryan Colby, which was definitely my fate, we connected so well and decided to take this route as the beginning of this great road to success.

With your Amazing Good looks and a great body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?
-I keep myself in good shape by of course eating well with protein and vitamins from fruits and vegetables to feed this body. Everyone should follow the expression and treat your body as a temple, a gift, for which it is. Another big part is exercise, I try to run at least three times a week and during the off days of running I stretch my full body with yoga. Its also a great way to relax and relieve stress. One last trick I like to do is stay consistent with one hundred push ups and two hundred crunches a day. With this consistency comes a good looking and happy body which in the end is so fulfilling.

What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out?
-When I do aggressive workouts like run or lifting I love listening to a little harder rock which gets my blood flowing, my heart rate up, and my body moving. When I’m doing yoga or stretching It’s a total mind and body connection that’s needs to be relaxed. So I simply put on Pandora “yoga radio” which consists of very smooth and relaxing instrumentals. It’s a great way to just let go and relieve stress in meditation which goes a long way.

Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?
I come from a small town and I’m a huge extreme sports adventurer and outdoorsman. I like to wear a lot of skater cloths like O’neill and quicksilver. Things I wouldn’t want to wear are lines like Abercrombie and Fitch or Hollister, that’s just never been me. I’ve been in NYC for about half a year now so I’m still going through to advances in my small town style which is much needed in this city.
How do you keep up to date with fashion? 
-Keeping up on style is easy in NYC, all you have to do is walk around as see all the diversity of fashion and pick and choose what looks you like and ones you don’t. A cool little secret is Instagram, I follow NYC Fashion and they are always putting up cool/unique fashion approaches from the people on the street.
What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?  
I wear boxers when I’m relaxing around the apartment and during the winter but I wear briefs during the summer to keep cool and relaxed. If I had to compare though I would go with the briefs because they are more comfortable.

What kind of Musician do you love to listen to?  
I love listening to Dave Matthews Band because of their passion. Every single one of his band members have so much talent from their passion and when they perform you can see it plain as day. They don’t do it for the money; they do it because its what they love to do. Passion is a big thing in music, if you don’t have that you’ll have a dreadful road ahead.  

What’s your favorite colour?
My favorite Colour is green.

What colour would you not wear?
I would not wear pink, but being a model in NYC I’m sure I will have to some time down the road.
You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 years?
I enjoy modeling and yes I can see myself modeling for the next five years. Pretty much all Actors and Musicians model during their careers so of course yes.
What do you see yourself 5 years from now?
5 years from now I see myself as a Musician/singer-songwriter/model with gigs/rolls under my belt in a decent size apartment by myself to write my life story and accomplishments to share with the world in music. Singer/Songwriter role models of mine helped me through many hard times and I want to do the same for other as well in this generation. Music is a powerful thing and I have a lot to learn about my style but when I do I want to share it with the world.
I can wait to see you rock with my designs, and the newest TV webseries!   Thank you for your time with being interview for my blog! 

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