Tuesday, May 6, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Jacques Issac the New Couture

  I had the privilege of knowing my very wonderful talented friend who was also my Haute Couture portfolio student. David Isaac and interviewing the head designer and visionary of Jacques Isaac, the very own; David Isaac. 

A graduate of the prestigious Fashion Institute of Technology, with his overnight success in the world of Couture and make a name to himself in designing extravagant style, along with luxury bags that everyone has been talking about!

  *Tell me a little about yourself. Where are you from? And how did the name of Jacques Isaac came from? What's your educational background? What are your general professional and non-professional interests?

I was born to Haitian parents and born and raised in queens. The name Jacques Isaac is in dedication to my father who died when I was young. I am certified in draping and haute couture and have bachelors in business and communications. 
Professionally love being creative with different textures and colors and seeing how they come together. Aside from fashion I love sports, wine, movies, and reading.

*What does fashion mean to you?
It’s a form of self-expression. In a world filled with billions of people everyone wants to feel unique. Fashion provides an outlet for people to tell their story and what their all about just by putting an outfit together.

*When did you realize you wanted to become a fashion designer and illustrator? 
At the age of 19.

*What are some of your accomplishments as a Couture designer? Getting my Draping and Haute Couture certifications from F.I.T, launching my own line, and doing my first fashion show.

*Who are some of your favorite designers of the past and present? Zuhair Murad, Elie Saab, Valentino, and my all time favorite Alexander McQueen.

*How long have you worked as a designer? 
8 years

How did your get yourself creating beautiful magnificent bags?!  You!!! Because you loved the first bag I created, it inspired me to create more. Once I got going I realized I enjoyed making bags as much as clothes.

*What matters to you most as a fashion designer?
Structure and precision is number one. Also making sure my cloths are meeting the needs of my clients.

*What's your favorite part about conceptualizing a design?  Turning a fantasy to reality. Really letting my imagination run wild and watching it take form on my form.

*What advice do you have for aspiring fashion designers?
Have confidence in your style and your work. 

*What do you dislike about designing clothes? 
Really being on a roll then coming to a stop during the process. I guess it would be the fashion designers version of writers block.

*How would you define your personal style? 
Trendy yet Unique

*How would you define the style your line exemplifies?
 Luxurious and sophisticated 

*Where do you get your inspiration?
 It depends on the mood and inspiration at the given time: Nature, Shapes, Colors and the world around me.

*What are some of your favorite fashion websites, magazines, or books? 
Pinterest, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, !Hola, Blue is the new black by Susie Breuer, Couture sewing by Clair Schaeffer, Draping by Annie Duburg, Fabric for fashion: the swatch book by Clive Hallett and Amanda Johnson

Where do you see yourself the next 5 years?
Traveling the world, having a flagship store, and designing for the Oscars.

Thank you David, would you like to say something at the end of your interview and to your readers?
I’d like the readers to know what an incredible inspiration you’ve been to me.  You really opened up my eyes as a fashion designer. I’ve learned to use world around me for inspiration.  For that gift I’d like to thank you!

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