Tuesday, May 13, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Alex Raffio: Making of A Male Model

Alex Raffio: Making of a Male Model
by Christopher Uvenio 
6'3, Brown hair, brown eyes, body beautiful and handsome. His mame is Alex Raffio!
Alex have been seen on the runway during NYFW and everywhere.
International Designers including Tommy Hilfiger, and magazines of Bello, Ooh Lala, Undergear and overseas. All New York top photographers have worked with the masculine Male Model, Alex Raffio: David Arnot, Kevin McDermott, Thomas Synnamon, Kristopher Kelly,  Jeffery Andre and  Rick Day.  
And yes!  Follow Alex on:***Instagram   _alexnyc_                

So how did you decide having a career in Modeling?  
 Many people usually take a year or so off after college to travel the world, and get some life experience before entering their perspective work fields.  I decided, if I’m going to do that, I might as well try and get paid to do it.  I’m currently getting my Master’s in Biotechnology, and a career in modelling allows me to further my education, without being too overwhelmed.

With your Amazing Good looks and a fabulous body, how do you keep yourself look good and what do you do to keep in such great shape?
  I’m lucky enough to have really good genetics.  I’ve always had pretty good skin, even when I was a teenager.  My brother and I have always been thin, and have had fast metabolisms.  But in general I try to eat relatively healthy, and constantly stay active.  My diet consists of a lot of grilled chicken.  I’ll have egg whites in the morning, but I eat everything, include carbs and sugar throughout the day.  I actually have a pretty bad sweet tooth.  And I try to work out as often as I can, usually 3-5 times a week.  30-40 minutes of low impact cardio, and then a full body workout. 
What kind of music do you listen to when you’re working out? 
 I actually don’t usually listen to music when I workout, but sometimes I will if I’m running outside.  It will be something with a consistent beat I can pace my breathing with.  
Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? What designers you wouldn’t wear?
 I’m a big fan of Armani, when it comes to suits, watches, formal wear in general.  For a more casual, during the day look, I’ll wear GANT.  GANT by Michael Bastian, off of the rack, fits me like it was custom, especially the blazers.  I avoid wearing anything that’s too ‘out there’.  I like to dress comfortably, but look put together. 

 How do you keep up to date with fashion? 
 I actually don’t.  This is a big weakness of mine.  I’m very ignorant of who’s who, and what’s what.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to a casting for a big international designer, and have never even heard of them before. But I guess that’s a good thing, in that I won’t be nervous walking in.
What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
  When doing shoots, or castings, I have to wear briefs, because the pants are sometimes a little tight, and you don’t want them to look bunched up.  But in my free time, I’ll usually wear boxers, or boxer-briefs. 

What made you first become a model?
 When I was in College, I ran Division I track.  I was injured my sophomore year, and after recovery, I started doing bodybuilding.  I had posted some of my training pictures on Facebook, and one day a former judge from America’s Next Top Model contacted me asking if I had ever considered modeling.  I met with him in the city, and he told me that I needed to lean out, and grow out my hair (I had a crew cut at the time).  It took me about 9 months to lose all the muscle I had gained, but after that I started shooting.
 How did you feel when you did your first ever fashion show or photo shoot?   
My first ever runway show was definitely an experience.  I had no idea what I was doing or where to go, and people I had never even met knew me by name, which was confusing because I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to know who they were or not.  Also there were about 10 people, at any given time, poking, prodding and photographing you.

 Between the hair and make-up people, the stylists, photographers, videographers, and all of their assistants, it’s a bit of a circus backstage.  The closer you get to show time, the more chaotic and frantic things get as well.  A little fun fact, designers rarely have shoes that are the correct sizes for their models, even though all the male models are over 6 feet tall, they still only get size 9 shoes.  They do this so that proportionally things look correct, but still… ouch!              

 How do you feel about the controversy of the size 0 debate in the industry?  
To be honest I believe that it’s being blown way out of proportion.  The modeling industry has always been like this, and people have always had issues with it.  However, I don’t believe it will ever change, so there’s no point in fighting it.  The majority of the female models I know are healthy, eat well, and are just naturally a size 0.  Furthermore, the size 0 requirement really only applies to high fashion runway.  Commercial, editorial, and print work, don’t have such strict constraints.   
 If you were not a model, what other profession would you have been doing instead? 
 I received my degree in Engineering Science, with a double specialization in Nanoscale Engineering, and Biotechnology.  If I wasn’t modeling, I would most likely be getting my Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering right now.  However, I’m going to wait until I’m finished with the fashion world to pursue that path.  
 What are guilty pleasures food wise?  
Nutella.  I have a true love/hate relationship with Nutella.

 How do you cope under the pressures of being a model? 
It can be a little overwhelming at times, especially the weeks leading up to Fashion Week.  It’s basically a month straight of running around non-stop, going to castings, shoots, and meeting with European agencies.  I usually thrive under pressure, and tight deadlines however. Its when I have nothing to do, that I go crazy.
What beauty tips do you swear by? 
I don’t really have any beauty tips, but I’ll usually use coco-butter to avoid any stretch marks from the gym.  Additionally, I try to go to the steam room, after every workout, to get an extra sweat going.  
  If a young girl/boy wanted to be a model what would your advice for them be? 
 My advice would be to get an education first, or simultaneously.  Don’t put it off, until you’re older.  And pursue other careers and hobbies while you’re modeling if you can.  
Don’t make the Fashion World your whole life, because everyone’s modeling career has an expiration date. When that time comes, you don’t want to be stuck with no money, no experience, and be working a dead end job just to make rent.  I’ve seen it happen to way too many people, and it’s not pretty.
What kind of Musician do you love to listen to? 
Since you’re pursing Music career as well, who are your  idol?  I listen to all types of music genres. My ipod is all over the place, anywhere from Miley Cyrus and Adam Lambert, to Rascall Flatts, I even have Heavy Metal.  I’m not really pursuing a music career, as much as an acting this year right now.  

What’s your favorite colour? 
 I actually don’t have a favorite colour.  I’ve never been a big fan of choosing favorites.  My preference changes depending on the situation.

What colour would you not wear?  
It’s my job to be able to pull off any colour or outfit, and make it look good.  I’ve worn every colour imaginable. 
You been modeling for quite a long time, do you love it and see yourself modeling for the next 5 years? 
 I had actually stopped modeling for two years, to finish school, and have only recently started doing it full-time.  It’s an experience that’s for sure, but it’s not as glamorous as people make it out to be.  It’s a lot of work at the gym, running around all day every day, kissing ass, pretty much the same as any other job, except there’s no guaranteed paycheck at the end of the day.  I’m definitely going to be doing it for the next couple of years, but I’m not sure about 5 years.
What do you see yourself 5 years from now?  
5 years from now, I’m hoping to live in a beach house somewhere in California, preparing to start a family.

Thank you so Alex! Would love to see you rock in my menswear collection when you are ready!
Follow Alex on:
***Instagram       _alexnyc_

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