Tuesday, May 13, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Oskar Fricentese Mexico's SuperModel & Designer!

Oskar Fricentese:Mexico’s Super Male Model 
 & Shirt Designer of Jack Rawstone!
By Christopher Uvenio

Tell me about yourself Oskar! You’re from Mexico? 
Hi Chris, I'm actually originally from Venezuela half Italian and half Cuban and live in Mexico since 7 years came here for a modeling contract and I loved this country and the kindest of its people. 

First off tell us how you were "discovered" and how your modeling career all started?
 I was discover in my homeland Caracas Venezuela modeling for Photoshoot campaigns, fashion shows, swimwear, beach wear fashion weeks after that modeling also in Colombia and Latin America TV commercials ..later on I moved to Milan modeling for CK, D&G, Versace, Diesel, Missoni and Z Zegna photoshoots and showrooms.

 Who discovered you and convinced you to become a model and how old were you at the time?
Back in Caracas i was discover from the Agency SoloModel and after that I also work with L'altro Uomo male model Agency, they contact me with my Future agency and bookers in Milan. 

Since you have one of the best bodies in the business, how do you maintain your body to be a work of art?
lol  Growing up as a kid, I was always very active and got involved in as many sports as I possibly could, and did very well in them.  I was always the tall, skinny kid all the way up until my second last year of high school when I finally decided it was time for me to hit the gym. It wasn’t until then that my passion for fitness really began to take hold! 

How would you describe your personal style, Where do you pull your inspiration from?
I describe my personal style and inspiration defined by taking from the world some of the things I like when Im traveling to different countries and places, urban trends and cultures. I’m currently working on an inspiration wanting to achieve indigenous materials merge with the concept of Mexico Apache Plume with an acid explosive character!
You traveled a lot for work and worked with incredible well known photographers.  If so what's your favorite city that you have visited?
Mykonos my favorite place in the world! by the way last summer i worked for Greek beachwear brand Dear Pollywood with Nectario Karolos Papazacharias one of the best photographs for me,  for his clean work with ligthinig , and the shapes and textures that handles in his perspectives!  

Do you ever get shy in front of the camera?
Not shy guy ;)
Who are your personal favorite designers and what designs do you wear? 
I love fashion and design, and from my point of view designers who have achieved Art through his designs like Alexander McQueen, Yves Saint Laurent, Jean Paul Gaultier, Karl Lagerfeld and others count on my favorites!

 What designers you wouldn’t wear? 
 I would not use those designs that do not go with my style but I respect the work of all styles and designers.

How do you keep up to date with fashion? 
Fashion shows, photographers, and media.

Is modeling an easy job or more strenuous than people realize? (How so) not an easy job but when you do something that u love doing it your doing the right thing.
Was modeling something you always wanted to do, or did it just kinda happen? 
Just kinda happened.

What's the best and worst thing about being a model?
There is not a worst thing. 

Do you remember your first photo shoot as a model? How did you feel during it? 
Yeah i felt very exited! I was nervous because I had no experience but when there is good energy and connection  with the photographer then everything goes well and for me that ended up being a fun adventure! 
Do you have any hidden talents?
Oh yeah!!!!  is not just a talent is my best friend ;)

What are you, a Boxer or brief kind of Male model?
  Both it depends on the situation lol. 

If you weren't modeling what would you see yourself doing?
Working on my urban t shirt brand.
Now that you have your own brand of Urban T-shirts of Jack  Rawstone, where can Men buy your shirts?
Website is under construction for the moment. now on JACK RAWSTONE Facebook. 
Where did you come up with the name of Jack Rawstone? Sounds like a huge stage name.
Jack Rawstone is a character we made up one evening me and my partner! We wanted the clothes to have character and personality in relation to the name! because our prinicipal idea for the urban t shirt brand is spontaneous art capture on canvas that express people! Here is the story!  

Son of a single mother , Jack was born in Brooklyn in the early '60s. Though his childhood was difficult , I really did not have significant shortcomings , because amid the splendor of the post- war United States, her mother worked for a textile companies with greater glory of the time. There was always food on the table and taking home fabrics, were part of the world when Jack games .
Everything changed in the mid- 70s , when the company collapsed and Jack's mother was one of the many women who lost their jobs . Given his age , it was impossible to get a new job and had to spend their savings on to improvise a sewing room in your home. Meanwhile , Jack , who then met fifteen, went out looking for a job to continue with their studies without being a burden . Thanks to his friend Michael , got a part-time job as a packer in the meatpacking district of New York. 
Although the circumstances were hard work was rewarding for Jack , as represented not only quick money , but a source of inspiration , since he spent much of his life wandering the streets of Manhattan, in full 70s . It was a everyday observer point then revolutionized the world's gaze . Jack had the sensitivity to the time I was living and was not indifferent to the bombing of colors , trends , personalities and releases that triggered this social movement that revolutionized the world until today . Was attracted to the diversity, euphoria and street style .

One evening, after discussing his future with Michael , walking home with a great desire to change her around . Before crossing Fifth Avenue , stopped to observe the urban movement . He looked at everyone who crossed his eyes. Women and men living their time. I conclude that all the dress, we become a symbol, which is key to our packaging , as it also communicates our attire speaks about our personality, our past and how we show the world what we have for him. With this in mind , after high school , he felt the need to go deeper into these reflections. Began to experience the world of design and media culture, inspired especially in the vertigo of styles and trends that marked the beginning of the 80s . 
Meanwhile , he invaded the desire to broaden their perspective , gathered their savings and decided to walk the world . Each city enriched concepts . He adapted easily with each site , working in sweatshops or as a longshoreman , it did not matter , because what is important and what nourished his soul was what his eyes looked at each course . The attire of the people in each city was like a book that began to crack easily, after hours of hard work, enthusiasm back to his room to draw, to foreshadow what would become his own style over time.

He returned to New York with the anxiety of starting a career in the fashion world . Entered college as he honed his sketches , inspired all who observed in his New York past, and everything looked on his journey , always thinking not only in dressing people but to produce synergies , whole personalities , saw the bodies and packaging as a single symbol. One night while coloring a sketch to a finished work, recalled all he had seen, and , all at once, contrasting and exciting for those who inhaled essentially places all at the same time and his head in his hands.
Anxiety left him stunned , had many ideas for shows and his book was not enough. I had to convey all that baggage , all those packages that came suddenly . I could not sleep . He went to his mother's home and collected several pieces of cloth, took the sewing machine and began to make garments throughout the night . The next morning , without knowing it, the brand Jack Rawstone had appeared in the world, as Jack went out as a synergy of which had always imagined , felt complete with a costume designed for him, for his own idea of itself.
The style that Jack had made ​​, was successful among its faculty and quickly became a line of t -shirts designed for the comfort of daily life , without losing the sense that he had to design : communicating your attitude toward world . When started designing for other people, did not hesitate a moment to name your style , Jack Rawstone is packed well , PACK WHAT YOU GOT .

 When and how did you decided to create a brand of amazing Urban t-shirt?
4 years ago me and my partner came with the idea to bring out our own urban brand. 

And you will also be hosting London’s best club parties at Room Service in Mexico City, what do you do? 
I' ll be hosting #1 UK club Room Service party in Mexico City this year! next to Frantz Cossio and Jodie Harsh introducing Room Service London as a brand new concept inspired by London`s and New York City`s club scenes in deep uplifting underground house music! 
What do you do on your freetime?
I love walking the cities, going to museums, visit different authentical markets around the world! 

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Italian food
Five things you can't live without?
Love, strength(force), gym, style and my iphone.

What’s your favorite colour?
 What colour would you not wear?
None…. I love all colors.
If you weren’t home, where would the second place would your friends look for you? 
Thank you for your timing Oskar! I will be looking forward to interviewing you more later in the future and keep up with your success as a Male Model and your successful T-shirt brand! And Enjoy the beautiful weather of Mexico! 

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