Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Interview with French Model: Anthony Lorca

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Anthony Lorca is a French model and actor born in Annecy. In 2009, a local model agency director in Geneva scouted 19-year-old Anthony in the street. Anthony Lorca started his modeling career thereby participating in different art, fashion and commercial projects. At the age of 21 years old, Anthony moved to Paris with the objective of developing his career as a model. He signed with a couple of agencies there and after a series of successful jobs for the French market, he decided to turn abroad to look for an international career. From 2012 to 2016, he has never stopped to travel and to diversify his life-enhancing experience in China, Spain and even New Zealand. His travels have allowed him to work for a large number of photographers, magazines, fashion catalogs, and commercial advertisements.
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Tell Us more about yourself and your personal Background.
I am a French model born in the center of France. I started modeling when I was 19 years old. I currently live in Madrid, Spain but I also live and work globally especially in Europe and Asia.

How did you first get into modeling? And how long have you been modeling?
A photographer found me on the street in Geneva and asked me if I wanted to pose for him. I accepted and this was how I started putting my portfolio together and started applying to modeling agencies. I have been modeling for more than 8 years now and I am enjoying every minute of it

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What do you enjoy most about your career?
What I enjoy most about my work is that it does not feel like a job it's something I enjoy doing because while doing it, I do not get the impression I am working because it is a part of me. I enjoy modeling so much that I spend long days on set and I never feel tired because I am very passionate about it.
What’s your most memorable shoot since the start of your career?
It was probably my first TVC video shoot in Taiwan when I was 22 years old. It's Memorable because that day was my birthday and I felt it was the best gift I could ever receive.
What are the pros of being a model?
For me, I really enjoy the freedom that modeling brings me. I can work when I want, where I want and with who I want to work with. Modeling also gave me the opportunity to travel to many countries, which is something not many jobs can bring you.
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What were the Major Milestones that gave you that extra motivation boost to pursue modeling as a career?
Well, a modeling career isn’t a straight path. There are some good periods and times of doubts too. However, it’s always been harder for me to renounce modeling than to pursue and I had the chance to meet the right people at the right moments who believed in me and offered me the opportunity to grow and to persevere, I had to stay focused and determined because this is something I love doing.
What are your other passions outside of modeling?
I love traveling, taking pictures, playing sports. I also like to play the piano occasionally.
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What are some of your best tips for someone who wants to break into the modeling world?
The most important thing is to trust in yourself, this will get you a long way. The second thing associate yourself with professionals and people who only care about boosting your career. The last thing is to stay focused on your objectives and be consistent with your choices.
Any upcoming projects you are working on?
I am currently preparing a future TVC and a few other editorials too. Everything is coming very soon!
What are your future goals, dreams, and plans?
I am now 28 years old and I know that I won’t be model all my life. In a perfect world, I would like to be successful in the Acting and Film industry but I do know I still need a lot of work to achieve this, so I am staying positive and focused to make sure I achieve my dreams.
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If you could change anything about the fashion and modeling industry what would it be?
Unfortunately, there are a few unprofessional photographers and agents that give a very bad image to the modeling industry. However, I notice some changes in the mentality now after the Terry Richardson and Bruce Weber’s scandals. I Hope it will continue to be this way. I do believe that the people who can change the modeling industry are the models themselves.
How often do you Work out and what are some of your best Health and Fitness tips?
I try to work out 6 times a week. I do not only go to the gym. I also swim, run, do yoga, snowboard, etc. It’s very important to practice the sports that you really like and that you are really passionate about, without sacrificing your social life. I think this is the key to achieving the best results. Then I maintain a healthy lifestyle because this is important of course. Having a good sleep, eating fresh food and drinking a minimum amount of alcohol and tobacco makes you stay young! 
Lol- Since the start of your career what has been the biggest hurdle you have had to overcome?
Well, I don’t know if I should say this but it was probably my studies. I decided to study, unlike many models, and I’m proud to have a Master’s degree. However, my studies made me stop modeling a few times and that may be part of the reason I couldn’t reach the career height I was aiming for.
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Wow! Trust me You should be proud of yourself, you were able to achieve your Master's Degree and you are still chasing your dreams, it is never too late and you will get to that height because you are determined Anthony, So What’s the biggest misconception about the male modeling industry?
Well, many people think that we are earning a lot of money and living the dream life. However, the reality is, in fact, a bit biased. Of course, we can earn a lot of money in a few days but we are never sure to work every day or every month. We have to fight every day to stay in the limelight in order to avoid that someone taking your place. Modeling is a daily battle, but that’s probably why it is exciting and I love every bit of it.
Image result for Anthony Lorca

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