Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Interview with Austrian Model: Christoph Leitner

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Christoph Leitner is an Austrian model that grows up in Carinthia Austria and was discovered as a model when he published a portrait on his Facebook account. Today I stumble upon Christoph Instagram profile, a couple of weeks ago, and his pictures amazed me. Christoph works for Wiener Models, a Viennese Model agency which was founded in 1983. Today we bring you guys his story.
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Where were you born and what was your pre-model life like?

Born in Villach/Carinthia in Austria and raised in a small village 30 minutes from Villach, up in the mountains with probably more cows and chicken than people and my only playground the forests around our house. It is a nice place to grow up but very far away from fashion.
Before modeling I worked in many different jobs from electrician to security guard to truck driver or factory worker. I tried a lot.

How have you been discovered?

I was discovered on Facebook after I posted a portrait of me.

When did you decide to become a model?

I was working in my last job. I was driving a big truck through Austria and had a lot of time to think about my life and what I really wanted. I tried many different jobs but I never felt happy, I always felt like there is a different life for me! So I decided to chase the dream I always had and become Model. I lost 30kg and started to do it!

What has been one of your favorite career experiences so far?

People are contacting me and telling me that they love my work and what I‘m doing and some even see me as rolemodel and asking me for advice. I never thought that this will happen to me so these things are always great experiences.
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Did you have an interest in modeling or fashion before starting as a model?

Yes, always! Even no one in my family has a relation to fashion or something but I always loved to look at the big campaigns and commercials, dreaming to become one of this guys looking out the TV and down the billboards.

What advice would you pass along to those starting out in the business?

Never listen to them who say you can‘t do it! Never be too shy to be 100% yourself! Stay positive all the time and be patient!

You have become successful for many reasons what do you think the top few are?

I would never give up and I never stop to develop myself mentally and physically. I work on myself everyday and give all I can to become better and better and better!

What is the ultimate goal of your career?

Living my dream as long and good as I can, doing what I really like to do and then the rest will follow on itself.
Image result for christoph leitner model

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