Wednesday, January 23, 2019

World Premiere Interview: Jacey Elthalion

"I was popular as I was making money and starting to travel the world so people were happy for me and some people were jealous but school for me was loads of fun..."
I am pleased to present our interview with Jacey Pacino Elthalion (this is his full name) andwe are grateful with him for answering our questions in such a nice and exhaustive way. Jacey is very talkative and shared with us some of the most important moments and episodes of his life, such as the schools that he attended and his hard work before becoming a very successful model. Jacey got scouted when he was very young while he was working in a market but it took a while to realise that the proposal of the agency was real.He also described his first modeling jobs, his first fashion show for Dries Van Noten and his personal interests. Following here my interview with him.

"My first fashion show was for Dries Van Noten when I was 13 they took me to Paris and I made a lot of trouble and had a lot of fun..."
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-Hello Jacey, I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my website, to start this interview off, please give some background information. Hello! My name is Jacey Pacino Elthalion I was born February 1985 I am south London I was raised in Brixton Cowley estate I went to Mostyn Gardens Primary School then I went to Kingsdale Secondary School I got kicked after 3 months and had to go to Lilian Baylis I went back and forth threw secondary schools threw my school days but I finished school really when I was about 13 or 14 I got myself a job working down the market selling fruit and flowers. I worked down the market till I was 20 I am half French half English but I grew up in south London I have 4 sisters I have no education on paper from school but I got an education off the streets I used to sell watchable clothes sunglasses or anything I could get my hands on my boss at the market was an old gangster and he taught me how to make money buying and selling things then I went to Select when I was 15 I got scouted loads of times down the Market by Select but I didnt think it was real so it took me a while to go in and see what it was all about.

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-What do you remember about your school days, did you have many friends and what was your favorite subject?My school days were very wild I come from a poor family and my mum and step dad were hardcore punk rockers so I used to get a lot of shit from the other kids but I was lucky I was big and I could fight that's why I was always getting kicked out of secondary schools towards the end of my school life everyone knew me and I was popular as I was making money and starting to travel the world so people were happy for me and some people were jealous but school for me was loads of fun I just did what I wanted really I wish I got an education now but you can't turn back time so 'No Point crying over spilt milk' as they say. 

"I like to treat people with the same respect they treat me..."

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Do you remember your first photo shoot? Did you feel comfortable in front of the camera?My first shoot for Select when I was 15 was a shoot for Jalouse Magazine It a French magazine. It was me and 12 girls I had to kiss all of them I loved it it was great I was 15 and getting to kiss all these amazing girls who were older than me and foreign it was all good but I had short hair at the time and they put a rat tail hair extension on me which I was not to happy about at the time but when I look back I think it's quite funny but after that I was sold I thought wow I am gonna get paid to make out with beautiful sounds like a job I would luv haha.
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-Which designer was your main fashion show for? Were you excited during it?My first fashion show was for Dries Van Noten when I was 13 they took me to Paris and I made a lot of trouble and had a lot of fun but when I started men's modelling with Select I first booked the Christian Dior show in Paris I opened it with Bryan Ferrys son, Isaac Ferry, I was a little nervous as it was a big show they had me on exclusive and everyone was making a big deal about the new designer for Dior at the time it was Eddie Slimane I carried on to do Dior exclusive for another 4 seasons then I didn’t fit the clothes no more and I started to work for the other labels but I must say I do enjoy the rush of walking down a catwalk with loads of people in front of you going crazy for the show the build up the rehearsal and hanging out back stage is loads of fun.
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Your career is obviously a very successful one, what do you think made you stand out among other guys? I think I am lucky for where I come from as there are not too many male models running round the world that come from south London and have my personality of just going with the flow and having a good time I think I am a very easy going person as well I think that might be why I work so well I like to do active shots like diving swimming anything I just really enjoy doing action shoots. 

-Do you have a personal motto that sums up your thoughts about life in a sentence?

I don't have a motto that somes me up in life I have principles that I belove in like right and wrong and no matter who or what it is if I don't think it's right I won't do it I like to treat people with the same respect they treat me, my old boss always used to say be lucky kid if you can't be lucky be careful and if you can't be careful be good at it jan and move and now that is what I say to people 
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-Tell me a little bit your way to have fun, the places you usually go and your way to enjoy life...I absolutely love life I enjoy pretty much every sport there is my favourite is playing football as I used to play for a team in London I love cliff diving swimming in the oceans boats boxing cycling I enjoy going to partys and having a dance and a drink and meeting new people I only really spend a couple days a week in London so I love coming to a new place and meeting cool people or just hanging on the beach chilling really. 

-Your favorite female model?My favourite female model... I don't have one really there are so many cool girls out there modelling I like the model girls that are laid back and chilled I hate those girls that go and live in New York for five minutes do a couple jobs and then think their shit don't stink when you say 'hello' they kinda look at you like you just asked for their number or something as I said before  easy going not uptight and some girls have such a big head it is rediculous. 
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-What is your favorite kind of movies and the last film you watched?

I love movies I watch a lot of movies on my iPad when I'm travelling around the world I live action movies and comedy's and Quentin Tarantino style movies with a twist or some great one liners my favourite movie in the whole world would have to be Pulp Fiction and Snatch I love them both so much and Lock Stock of cause I am English after all.
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-What kind of music do you like best and what is your current favorite song?I love music as well as when I'm shooting there is always music on but I love all music as long as its good but my favourites are hip hop, jungle, drum and bass, soul, and reggae my favourite Song of all time is Notorious B.I.G - 'Sky is the Limit' I really feel like I connect to this song bloody love it.

-Thanks Jacey for sharing your story with me, it was a gift to me and to my readers!Related image

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