Monday, August 13, 2018

5 Questions for James Yates!

A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit? 
Chocolate or peanut butter. Not that I’ve tried to quit either but I also would never want to. And specifically the two of them together. 

Which part of your body receives the most compliments from strangers? 
Either my quads or abs. Probably abs, tend to walk around without a top on most of the time if I can get away with it.

Which flavour of ice cream best describes your personality and why? 
Probably choc chip cookie dough. The sharp edge of the choc chip but still a child at heart like the cookie dough. 

Do you have a fetish? 
Haha that’s for those I’m close enough to know and find out. Most of the fun is learning about the other person. 

What do you stand for? 
Health, both physical and mental. I try to encourage people to be active as much as possible. Not necessarily for everyone to have a chiseled physique but a healthy heart and mind.

Thanks James!

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