Monday, August 13, 2018

5 Questions for Christos Katsavochristos

Image result for Christos Katsavochristos
A guilty pleasure you can't seem to quit? 
Sweets and Nutella!

What do you stand for? 
I stand for making other people smile and happy.

What superpower would you love to have for 24 hours? 
If I had a superpower for 24 hours I would be able to fly and I would fly all around the world.
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Which flavour of ice cream best describes your personality and why? 
Vanilla, because it's always sweet and it's how I want to be all the time.

If the world was coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips? 
It would be from the last lips I kissed before my flight to New York.

Thanks Christos!
Image result for Christos KatsavochristosImage result for Christos Katsavochristos

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