Monday, October 16, 2017

Sam Way: Making of A SuperModel Rock Star

British supermodel SAM WAY has a decade of modelling in his portfolio, numerous campaigns and runways walks, and has carved himself a noteworthy career. Sam’s first big break came with an international campaign for Paco Rabanne fragrance, whose face he is since 2008 to date, playing a rock star in the Rabanne video ad little did he know he is to take the stage himself today as a breakthrough singer and songwriter.

Lucky Me get to chat with Sam Way, between music and fashion, unforgettable photo shoots, model castings and inspiration.
 You stepped into the fashion world almost 10 years ago, how did your modelling career start? Looking back, how do you feel the industry has changed since?
My story began on a day trip to London with my mum. I was spotted by a model scout and singed with Models 1 when I has just turned 16. Fast forward to 2017, and the industry has changed so much, the arrival of social media has massively altered all aspects of the job, and I for one could never have predicted how important it would become – I guess none of us knew hey. But in a way I feel the biggest change for me is, simply that there’s so much more. There’s just so much more of everything, and by this I mean more brands, more creativity, more competitiveness, more work, more opportunity, more studios, more photographers, more models, more innovation and… more awareness too. It’s been a compelling 10 years, and things continue to shift and change across the industry with quite some speed.
What do you think is the most important trait for longevity of a model’s career?
Ah well… The elixir of eternal youth… of course.

You are passionate about your music, did you always know you want to try yourself as a singer and songwriter as well?
My entire foray into music, began really with taking a chance. I’ve always been really into my music, brought up listening to world music by my Mum and encouraged to pick up the guitar by my Dad. Things just kept on falling into place, and now it’s such a massive part of my life and who I am. Music is therapy, madness, and joy all rolled into one.
So, what would you say is the main difference between fashion and music industry?
I actually think they’re very similar. Both forms of expression and Identity, both that we celebrate, respect and revere. Both can be tough and both can be rewarding. But… they are two totally different worlds; worlds full of different people, equally complex in their own way.
Still, music business has changed as well, with streaming becoming an important part of it, what do you see as the future of the music industry?
The Music industry is still in shock. Streaming services are great for the consumer, but for an artist – they are pretty dire. However, I see things moving forward though the initial earthquake of the digital revolution, with consumers turning back to value quality, having deeper connections with their music, and with the industry and artists finding new ways to reach out to their fans.
What inspires you while you create your music?
The process is really organic for me, I will get caught in fits of writing, late night jam sessions and hours getting things wrong until something just feels right. The beginning of the song is always easy for me, but working with other collaborators is always the best way to stay focused and inspired.
Are there any artists and musicians you would like to collaborate with on a song?
Yes, I would love to work with Major Lazer, Ed Sheeran, Banks, Izzy Bizzu… Moderat… to name but a few.
You are the face of Paco Rabanne fragrance since 2008, and you worked also on campaigns for Diesel, Chanel, Tommy and many more, is there any dream modelling job out there you’d still want to get? What is your most memorable fashion shoot to date?
Yes… there are always dreams, and still a few clients it would be an honour to work for. I have to say my most memorable shoot – was maybe shooting with Bruce Weber and Kate Moss when I was 17 years old!

You started with modelling very young, how did you learn to cope with rejection so common in the casting process? What is your advice for guys and girls just starting out.
Ha! I guess I just got a thick skin, rejection never phased me much – their loss right [laughs]. Advice from me to the new kids on the block… SAVE YOUR MONEY, BE GRACIOUS, COMMUNICATE, and STAY IN CONTACT.
What is your stand on the whole social and ‘influencer’ moment serving as a shortcut to the top both in music and fashion right now?
Fair play to anyone who uses the system to ‘win’. But I don’t really like shortcuts myself, you miss out on the fun of the journey. It’s a weird time for sure – I honestly hope it all calms down a little.

What is your stand on the whole social and ‘influencer’ moment serving as a shortcut to the top both in music and fashion right now?
Fair play to anyone who uses the system to ‘win’. But I don’t really like shortcuts myself, you miss out on the fun of the journey. It’s a weird time for sure – I honestly hope it all calms down a little.

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