Monday, September 19, 2016

Ric Wersig: Sizzling Male Model

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Ric Wersig
Nationality: German
Profession: Fashion model and actor
Agencies: M4 models Hamburg, Nevs Models London, I Love Models Management Milan, Art Room Models Istanbul, Fusion Models Cape Town, Look Models Vienna
Milestones: Abercrombie and Fitch Campaign, JPI (Camp David) Campaign, Gabbiacci Milano Campaign, Ermenegildo Zegna runway, LC Waikiki Campaign (Istanbul), GQ Magazine, Cosmopolitan Italy etc.
Current location: Based in Hamburg, Germany
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How did you start modeling?
Originally I’m from Kiel, a city in the north of Germany, one hour from Hamburg. I moved to Hamburg for a dual study. Education as a consultant in an advertising agency and besides I was studying business administration.
I got recruited on the street by Abercrombie & Fitch. Since I was working so much already, they gave me a special contract with less working hours so I could work twice a week as a shirtless model (greeter) in the flagship store in Hamburg. It was very new in Hamburg, so a lot of people came to see us standing there showing our muscles. Also a lot of modeling agencies came to recruit me but I wasn’t really interested at that time.
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One day the CEO of A&F Mike Jeffries showed up in our store while I was working. He told me I looked beautiful. The next day I got booked for the Abercrombie & Fitch Campaign in America with one of the best photographers in the world, Bruce Weber.
After one week of shooting I got invited for several Abercrombie store openings for representing the brand in Amsterdam, Munich, New York, LA, Hong Kong etc.
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Since each opening takes at least a week. I always had to take holidays. After a while I had to choose if I wanted to keep studying or become a model. I felt like I have to take the chance and see how far I can get in modeling. To that point of time I already had some experience in acting including some television jobs (TVCs, documentations etc.) After I quit my education I went straight to one of the best model agencies (m4 Models) in Hamburg and introduced myself. I signed the contract the same day. From then on I was officially modeling. Soon I did it fulltime because a lot of jobs came in. There was no time for anything else anymore.
What does your career do for you?
My career allows me to travel so many nice countries and cities, which I haven’t been before. Also to meet so many cool people all over the world. Learn about the culture etc. Earning money by doing what I like is one of the best things and to still have enough time to explore the cities and doing other things like pursuing my hobbies.
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What’s your most memorable shoot?
I’m modeling one and a half years now and I already had a lot of great shootings. But the most memorable one next to the Abercrombie Campaign was a shooting in Tuscany Siena, Italy, with Jose Villa, a very famous photographer from America. Our shooting location was a huge villa called Villa Cetinale. The last owner was a pope and only Vogue and Elle were allowed to shoot there before us. It was the biggest villa I’ve ever seen.
The whole estate, including a garden area, was about 10 hectare big. We had our own cooking team, serving 5 star meals fort he whole crew.
We had two shooting days and even spend the night in this wonderful house.
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What do you think Modellist-­‐ID can do for the model community?
I think it can help to get in contact with other models, especially when you’re in a new city. I also like the fact that people share their favourite places, products etc.. In my opinion this is a big chance for not so experienced models to get in that industry easier and safer.
Who do you admire and would you like to meet?
I’d love to meet Megan Fox! Wouldn’t mind meeting either Leo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt to talk about our next movie cooperation!
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What’s your favourite book/movie/music?
I listen to hip-hop mostly but I’m open to pretty much everything not too special.
I loved the books and the movies of Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter. Also Fight Club, Wolf of Wall Street, Transformers, The Beach, Zombie and war movies as well as movies like Warrior and so on....
What do you do to stay in shape?
To stay in shape I try to hit the gym at least 5 times a week. Also I eat healthy with low carbs mostly but I need at least one day where I can eat whatever I want. My „cheatday“. I drink a lot of green tea and for my muscle regeneration I use a special low fat/carb protein called Iso-­‐Protic 2.0
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What cosmetic products do you use?
I don’t really use beauty products except body lotion if that counts.
What are your favourite hangout spots in the city you live in?
One of my favourite hang out spots in Hamburg is the Sternschanze. I live very close to it. It has many nice cafes and restaurant. I like the atmosphere there.
Also I like to be in the centre of Hamburg. And around the Alster.
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What’s your favourite city and where do you like to hang out there?

I have a lot of cities I like to hang out at. For example Cape Town, Milano, London, Melbourne, New York etc.
Lately I was in Mykonos a little island in Greece. One of the best spots there is a restaurant called Namos.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Yes, the model business is a tough one. You really have to believe in yourself and shouldn’t take rejection personally!
A top model that is very successful once said, 99% of her castings she got rejected. So get used to it and don’t give up!
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What are your plans fort he future?
My plan fort he future is to visit as much beautiful places as possible, enjoying life, make some important contacts and book some more important jobs which hopefully bring enough money to be financially secure fort he future.
Also I want to switch to acting Step by Step.

One more thing…
Every male model probably knows that it’s sometimes necessary to have a good protein product to gain or keep muscles. I found a product, which I’m using more than 2 years now, Iso-­‐Protic 2.0 by Bodies. It is perfect for fat free muscle building and tastes fantastic. In my opinion the best product on the market.
Since I’m 100% convinced by it and can really recommend it and know everything about it i got in contact with the European sales manager, who was immediately keen to support me with all their products.
We have a little cooperation now which means for me that i just go with what i was doing all the time anyway, promoting their products…
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