Monday, September 19, 2016

Interview With Dennis Klaffert

From London to Los Angeles to New York, male model Dennis Klaffert has conquered the world. He has been modeling full time for the past 10 years and has caught the attention of many great designers in the world. Besides, if you are looking for a cool vintage car, this is your man!

Nationality: German

Agencies: Wilhelmina, La Models, Kult, Ice Models.

Milestones: Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Abercrombie & Fitch, Armani, Gant.

Current location: New York


How did you become a model?
I was a student in Germany and needed money. A friend of mine was modeling with a small agency in Berlin and told me I should meet up with them. They liked me and signed me. From there I was scouted by a bigger agency in Hamburg who sent me to do the shows in Milan and Paris. After that I made my way to London, Los Angeles, Miami, Cape Town and New York, which is where I am based now.

In your own eyes, what was the moment that your career really took off?
When I booked an exclusive show with Calvin Klein. I would say the next moment was when
Bruce Weber saw me sitting on a curb in Miami and booked me for the Abercrombie & Fitch campaign and later for a Ralph Lauren fragrance campaign.
What’s one of the most interesting shoots that you’ve done?
I shot a video where I had to brush a models teeth and then make out with her while the toothpaste foam ran all over us.
Who’s your favorite photographer you’ve done a shoot with and why?
Guy Aroch and his wife Anna Palma, I’ve shot with them a few times, they are both such amazing people and so great to work with.
Are you working fulltime as a model or do you also study/work next to it?
I have been a full time model for the past 10 years. Of course there have been ups and downs which is why its important to have side projects/hobbies. I am really into vintage cars. I buy them, fix them up and then sell them.
You have several agencies worldwide. Please tell us a bit more about your modeling agencies and what you like most about them.
My favorite agencies are always the ones where I get on with my bookers. Every time I walk into Wilhelmina it feels like I’m visiting friends. I am greatful to have great agents.

What’s your favorite place to hangout in New York?
The Bowery Hotel and Soho House are always cool places to meet friends for drinks.
Where is home for you and why?
Home is New York. I can’t really explain it but since the first time I got here I knew that I belong here…

If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you want to go?
Which five words would your friends use to describe you?
A plant loving lucid dreamer.

What do you think MODELLIST-ID can do for the model community?
I think it’s a fun way to follow what other models are up to.

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