Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Update: Krit McClean the Naked Male Model!


Case Likely to Be Dropped Against Naked Man in Times Square Standoff


  A fashion model who taunted the police and shouted about Donald J. Trump while naked in Times Square is likely to have a public lewdness case against him dropped if he completes psychiatric treatment, under an agreement described by prosecutors in court in Manhattan on Friday.
The model, Krit McClean, 21, said on Friday that his behavior on June 30 was the culmination of “seven days of mania,” though he did not know it at the time. Mr. McClean, who was hospitalized after his arrest, said he was found to have a genetic predisposition to manic episodes.
Prosecutors asked that the case against Mr. McClean be dismissed in six months if he continued treatment and avoided trouble.
During the episode, which became a rush-hour distraction and social media spectacle, Mr. McClean strutted nude atop a grandstand above the TKTS ticket booth, sometimes shouting, “Where’s Donald Trump?” before eventually jumping to the ground.
 Mr. McClean’s lawyer, Dan Ollen, said it was “a one-time manic episode” that was unlikely to recur.
  Prosecutors asked that the public-lewdness and disorderly-conduct case against Krit McClean, 21, be dismissed in six months if he continues psychiatric treatment.
“The people have fully investigated this case, including viewing video footage capturing the incident,” said ADA Daniel Makofsky in Manhattan Criminal Court.
“This likely took place while the defendant was experiencing a manic episode — the first in his life. As soon as he was arrested he was hospitalized for treatment.”
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McClean, wearing vintage Nikes and a trendy white top with silver hardware in court, later said in a statement:
“I respect the court’s desire to understand what triggered my actions, and would like to thank the NYPD officers for their patience in handling the situation.
“I have been diagnosed with a genetic predisposition for manic episodes,” the Columbia University student said. “My behavior in Times Square on the morning of June 30 was a culmination of an unaware seven days of mania which distorted reality.
“I will continue working with my doctor to maintain a balanced well-being… being self aware is progress in itself.”
McClean’s lawyer, Dan Ollen, added, “We are happy that the court and the DA’s office saw this case for what it is — a onetime manic episode that is highly unlikely to reoccur.”
Judge Lyle Frank signed off on the deal, which will leave McClean with no record.
After the model’s  public unraveling June 30, Ford Models cut the cat-walker loose, concerned that his racy show on the Great White Way wasn’t good for the agency’s image, a source said.
McClean, who has sashayed down the runways of Versace and Dolce & Gabbana, stopped traffic and tourists with his hourlong peep show as he pranced on the bleachers above the TKTS booth.
The model, who has graced the covers of GQ and Harper’s Bazaar, spat at cops who tried to talk him down.
“Get Donald Trump here, I want to speak to him!” McClean shouted at the crowd of gawkers, court papers show.
The impromptu show ended when McClean jumped, narrowly missing a giant airbag.
McClean was booked on charges of public lewdness, disorderly conduct and exposure of a person.
He was taken to Bellevue Hospital and spent three weeks undergoing psychiatric treatment.

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