Thursday, May 5, 2016

Premiere Interview: Claudio Valdivia Part 2

Claudio Valdivia

Male SuperModel

One on One  

By Christopher Uvenio

- Let's give some tips to new models, tell me What is the most important thing that a girl/boy should do to present herself/himself well in castings?

Being in an optimal physical shape, self-confidence, being humble and being funny. The most important thing; self-confidence, they like to see you are sure of what you´re doing.

Do you have an interesting anecdote from a photo shoot, a casting or a show?

On a fashion show once i got confused with the instructions in the rehearsals so instead of walking on the runway I walked off the runway, Lol

- Your career is unique, what do you think made you stand out among other guys?

Being humble, professional and nice with the people. I think those are good values and the people appreciate them.

Turning to some personal questions, how would you describe your way to have fun, the places you usually go, and your way to enjoy life?

I would describe it like if I was an explorer; I always like to try new things and i´m not afraid about it. For example if i´m traveling I love to try local food and doing some typical local activities or sports. If i´m hanging out with my friends I always like to try new places and new shows, and if I like something I did; i do it again. Also sometimes I enjoy simple things like hang out at home with a movie and a coffee, it depends my mood. That is how I enjoy life. 

Tell me about your professional plans: apart from modeling, what else would you like to pursue or are you already pursuing?

My dream is to become an attorney at international law working in international business. As I said before I enjoy traveling a lot and if I can work and travel at the same time; that´s my best choice to work.

On the fashion industry: who are the people that you really loved to work with?

Well, first of all I loved working with you, I had a blast in the FIT, the people were nice and I enjoyed the show very much, besides I made good friends.

I also loved to work in the Uptown New York Fashion week in past february; I walked for Dario Mohr and I like his designs and I had a good experience working there.

- What is your favorite sport and how often do you play it?

Skiing, just in winter season if i´m in Chile or Argentina. I have to try ski centers here in the US yet.

What is your favorite kind of movies and the last film you watched?

I love independent, classic Italian and also some commercials films; my fauvorites directors: Woody Allen, Tim Burton, Pedro Almodóvar, Ludovico Visconti and Federico Fellini. The last film I watched was “Hello my name is Doris” with Sally Field, she was hilarious.

Your favorite female model?

Karlie Kloss

-Where have you been traveling recently?

I went in march on a cruise through the Caribbean Sea. I visited Aruba, Curacao, Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica. Beautiful landscapes and good company with friends. It was wonderful.

Thank you for your time Claudio! I Look forward to more interview with you in the near future!!

What is the biggest misconception people have about you?

 That I have a lot of free time probably, which I´m not, because I´m very busy during the week; studying for my big exam in Chile, modeling and working out, going to events or shows with friends and sometimes even working from home with companies in Chile.


Who makes You laugh?

Melissa McCarthy, she rocks.

What was the last gift that you bought yourself?

A Hugo Boss pair of sunglasses

If you were a professional Athlete instead of a Male Model, what sport would you play?

Road Running. I used to run in Chile half marathons sometimes. I enjoy the good energy of the events and the landscapes if i´m in a nice town.


What is the last song you caught yourself singing in the shower?

"Drop it like it´s Hot" by Snoop Dog!!

What quality is most important in a friend?

Trust, that´s what friends are made for, to keep our deepest secrets, lol.


What was your favorite television show when you were a kid?

Tales from the Grave

Do you prefer planes, trains or automobiles?

Planes, because the beautiful view from the sky.

Where would you like to live besides the USA?

Italy, absolutely, Either Rome or Milano. I love the culture and the food in Italy.

Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?

In a night club!!

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Homer Simpson

What Item have you kept from Childhood?

My violin, I still play it sometimes but just a few times.

THANK YOU Claudio! I can’t wait to see you rock in my menswear designs!!!

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