Saturday, November 14, 2015

Exclusive Interview with Noah Mills

Excl. Interview With Noah Mills
SuperExcited to present my exclusive interview with American model and actor Noah Mills who unveils us some of the most important events of his personal life and the highlights of his successful acting/modeling career.

– Hello Noah, I am really flattered to interview you, just to start it off, though you’re really famous, please give me some background information.

Hello Christopher, it’s my pleasure to be part of your interview. I am originally from Toronto Canada; I grew up with a family of academics in my house, my mother and father believed in going to college and making something out of yourself. Funny part is I enjoyed the arts a lot more over regular scholastic classes. My major consisted of theater arts; acting was something that caught my interest as a young kid. When I was in Vancouver I was spotted by a modeling scout and asked to do some collections, I wasn’t even sure how to model when I first got into the industry, I learned as I got more experience. Moving from Canada was a change for me and my family. We got to Baltimore, Maryland where I grew up most of my life apart from Toronto. I travel back and forth with my work, at this present time I live in Los Angeles.
– How were you as a kid and what do you remember from your school days?
I can recall my father always talking about doing well, my family came from a hard working background. Not much in their lives growing up my father never wanted me to have to grow up with nothing like he did. He always thought I was a troublemaker as a kid, so he sent me to a boarding school in Australia.
How did you start modeling and how old were you at that time?
I got sought out by a scout in Toronto who signed me. It was in 2003 when I began my modeling career I was only twenty years old.
– You’re a very successful model, what was your first big break in the industry?
I worked with a number of fashion companies and my real break was in 2004, with Wilhelmina they gave me really great exposure, which lead to my debut as a runway model for the fall Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent collections in Milan and Paris.
How do you deal with all the traveling required to a model? How do you “cure” jet-lag?
Its hard sometimes when I first started modeling to get used to the time zone difference. It varies in each country; the way I dealt with it is by getting as much rest as possible and calculation with the difference of how many hours ahead or behind somewhere was to figure out the time zones. The traveling was the best part really, getting to see all the different places I have to say Milan and Paris are so beautiful countries. Filled with really nice people and a culture that is very interesting getting to understand the customs of each place I have visited is a real treat.
On the industry: who are the people that you really loved to work with?
I really have loved working with Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. Those two guys are so unbelievably talented. A photographer who I worked with before is Steven Klein. He has such a futuristic, eccentric take on fashion; he creates a sort of picture when he shoots. He has shot for D&G on their campaign work for years. I loved working with Cameron Kass on Michael Kors campaigns. She is a very nice, down to earth sweet girl with a sense of humor. Working on campaigns with Sam Webb and Tyson Ballou has really been a great experience for me. We have become sort of a family over the years of each show and campaign we do together has brought us so close, a sense of real brotherhood as a family unit.
– Let’s talk about your acting career, when did you get interested in movies? Have you ever taken acting classes?
I was always fascinated by the art of acting; I took classes in my schooling when I was growing up in Toronto. I continued my theater art classes through college.
– What was your first professional acting job?
I have done some commercials in my work but my first actual acting role, I got was in Sex and The City 2.
– What was the most memorable thing about “Sex and City 2”?
I was nervous when I first arrived on set of the film, everyone made me feel welcome being part of the crew. All of the people on set where so nice and it was a lot of fun experience. Most memorable part of Sex and The City 2 was the sex scene my character did with Kim Cattrall. I had never done a love scene before, being an actor a lot goes into something like this. I found this out a lot of choreography it was a fun experience though.
Why do you love acting? What aspect of acting is your favorite and what is your least favorite?
I really love the creative side to acting much like in the fashion industry. You have this appeal to want to make your vision come to life on screen. With the different kinds of characters you play is another fun challenge to be in someone else’s shoes that’s not your own. Least I would say is the long hours and time, movies can take a few months to shoot and sometimes the locations are not always glamorous.
Thanks Noah for taking the time to reply to my questions!
It was my pleasure Christopher! 

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