Saturday, November 14, 2015

Exclusive Interview With Eugen Bauder

Thrilled  to present my exclusive interview with Eugen Bauder, male model and actor, who goes over with us the various stages of his modeling career and unveils us some of the most important events of his personal life.

-Hello Eugen, Thanks for accepting to be interviewed for my Blog, to start this interview off, please give me some background information.

I was born in Almaty (Kazakhstan). By the age of 5 I moved with my mum to Germany! I grew up in a small village in the south-west of Germany. By the age of 18 and just turned 19 I moved out from home to exploit the opportunity to work as a model. After traveling the world for about 1 year I moved to Hamburg I lived there for almost 4 years. I moved to Berlin nearly 3 years ago when a German network offered me a leading part on a TV- show! Right now I’m moving back and forth between Berlin and LA.
-Do you remember how and when did you start modeling and your first modeling photo shoot?
I started modeling at the age of 18 because all my friends would tell me that I have to become a model. So one day my ex-girlfriend sent some pictures of me that she shot when we were at the beach for holidays. She sent them to an agency in Berlin. After that agency saw my pictures I signed with them and then they sent the pictures to an LA agent who asked me to sign with his agency. So I did and after signing with my agency in LA I met Mario Testino on a go-see and he booked me right away for my first job with Gisele Bundchen. After meeting Mario, everything picked up and I got to sign with all the great agencies all over the world.
-What was your first impression of the modeling world and was there anything that surprised you or that you didn’t expect?
Well as I grew up on the countryside in a small village in Germany, the whole industry and everything what comes with it, was very exciting. To me it seemed like a world from a different planet and a different time! Excl. Interview With Eugen Bauder
-You’re a very successful model, besides your look what do you think made you stand out among other guys?
It’s a hard question! But I think what made me stand out among the other people was that I really LOVED (and still do) what I did. And that there was no plan B for me. Meaning I really, really wanted this!
-Turning to your acting career: when did you get interested in movies?
Well I was interested in movies all my life, probably just like all the other people on planet earth ! Excl. Interview With Eugen Bauder But I think the question should be: “When did you get interested in acting?” And again I would have to answer: “all my life”! I was always on some play in school and would study acting!
-Tell me something about your personality, how would you describe yourself using few adjectives?
Trustful, reliable, compassionate, confident, goofy, thoughtful, music lover, choleric SOMETIMES Excl. Interview With Eugen Bauder
-Your favorite sport?
I was in a swimming club for almost 10 years in Germany, when I was kid. I joined the club from my 7 to 17 age of life. Right now I’m totally into Muay Thai (Thai boxing) I’ve been practicing it for 3 years, on and off now. I have a gym in Berlin and one in LA that I’m going to! I was doing rock climbing parallel for about 1 year but then decided to focus on Thai Boxing! I also love to go snowboarding in Switzerland during wintertime! Or wakebording during summertime in Spain! And I have a Advanced Open Water Diver license!
How do stay in shape? Do you work out and eat healthy?
Thai Boxing is great fun in first place, but it keeps me in shape also, so thats a nice side effect! Excl. Interview With Eugen Bauder
-What was your dream job when you were a child?
I always wanted to become a police officer!
-Thanks again Eugen for answering my questions, it was a gift to me and to all my readers!
My pleasure Christopher! Excl. Interview With Eugen Bauder

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