Saturday, September 12, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Mark Krisztofer Part 4

Mark Krisztofer

The Sexiest Male Model Alive
by Christopher Uvenio
Part 4 Interview of the Most Requested Male Model for the upcoming New York Fashion Week! Mark will appear in over 10 runway shows!!

Do you consider yourself handsome? I do.

When did it occur to you? I’d say in my teenage years when I started getting more attention from girls.

Do you think people treat you different because of how you look?
Yes I do. Some people just see your look and that’s all they are interested in.

Do you ever wish you looked different?

I always find something that I think could be improved upon so yes but am I proud with where I’m at yes am I’m satisfied no.

Do your friends ever make fun of you for looking the way you do?

No never, they know better

Do you have a girlfriend? No

Are you more often single or in a serious relationship? Neither, I’ve had long relationships and long periods of being single. Everything has its time and place.

Are looks important to you in the person you're dating? Rank your priorities in the traits of a girl you'd date?

Looks is obviously what attracts you first so therefore it is but you also need a good personality to match that. I love a girl that can be silly but also is smart and intelligent. A girl that can cook well though is a huge plus!

How would you rate yourself? One to ten.

I don’t know lets ask the audience.. what would you rate me?

Would you say your handsomeness is a defining character trait?

Yes because that’s what you see first but I’d hope my personality and other characteristics are more defining.

Like, within the first three adjectives someone would use to describe you?

Funny, smart, charming

Thank you Mark! I'll see you in the gym!

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