Friday, September 18, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Andrea Denver: Italian SuperModel

Andrea Denver, the hottest thing on two feet!

by Christopher Uvenio

He is handsome, sexy, fit guy and have a rocky body, very friendly, a future journalist, Italian and a model. He is Andrea Denver. The 23 years old model, being represented by Wilhelmina LA & Miami is making his name in the modeling industry.
Working for Abercrombie & Fitch, Diadora, Daks London and Daks Sport, Entercoins, Colcci Brazil, starring in Lui magazine  and being next to Jennifer Lopez and GRL music group, are just of his works which many guys dream, but a few achieve. Andrea is one of them.      
When I first contacted Andrea, thought wouldn’t get a response soon, but I was wrong. On the contrary, he is so kind and friendly, different from most of his colleges. “Discover” Andrea, in his most candid interview.
 How are you spending these summer days, somewhere near the beach?  I am in LA, my favorite place in the world and every time. I live really close to the beach and I often go there.

Have you chosen your summer destination yet? If not, what’s that place you MUST go this year or in the future?  Every summer I am used to come here in California for vacation. This time I am here for a different reason but I feel in vacation anyways and I am really happy about it. I have traveled a lot with my family but we have never been to Australia so I hope to find the time to go there anytime soon.

How did you become part of the modeling world? It’s funny because I was discovered randomly while walking on the street and I gave it a chance while I was 16 and in LA for vacations. But I stopped for 3 years, giving priority to get my first degree at the university.        
You have worked with many brands, which one would you describe as the most successful one?  It’s hard to tell, but I love shooting editorials and between all of them my favorite for sure was the one with Victoria’s Secret angel Izabel Goulart  for Lui magazine.

Are you being part of any new projects soon? I can’t really say anything about it. You never know what is going on around you.

Which is that brand/company that you would like to be part of?  I would absolutely love to shoot a Tom Ford‘s campaign.

Your job is to promote beauty and brands, mostly clothing lines. On your daily life do you pay a lot of attention about what you wear? What was your latest purchase?  I pay a lot of attention about what I wear, but it can be casual or it can be formal. I really pay a lot of attention to the way I dress. I buy something new every few days so I don’t even know what was exactly my last purchase.
Seeing Andrea’s photos the first thing you notice is his well-build body. But, gym isn’t one of those things he happily does.  Unbelievable to say but, until today I haven’t workout that much in my life.  About 20 or 30(min)  maximum and no more minutes a day 5 times a week. I am not a big fan of working out but I have to do it.

Was it “awkward” for you to get shirtless on your first photo sessions? How is it now?    I mean not really, I don’t mind to be shirtless. I have worked as shirtless greeter for Abercrombie & Fitch for 4 years so I was really used to be shirtless and take pictures with young ladies.

When you are at the beach just with your underwear, do girls tease and make you provocations?   I don’t pay attention to any of those things. I don’t even know if someone looks at me while I am laying down on the beach. I go to the beach to be free with my mind and to relax.
        Andrea and his relation with:
-girls?  Taken forever. My heart will always belong to a girl in particular, no matter what. An amazing person irreplaceable.

-best friends?  I have just a few friends that I trust in and they are all in Italy. We share so many things together and I miss them a lot sometimes.

-music?  I have every kind of music on my iPod. I can listen to everything but not reggaeton, I don’t like it at all. (laughs)

-crush?  Taylor Swift (laughs). I have a crush on her from many years. I would love just to meet her someday.

-hometown?  I love my hometown Verona. It’s an amazing city but I am happy to be where I am, so the thing that I miss the most are for sure my parents over the city.
-dreams?  Just working hard improving myself and being humble. Starting from there maybe I will chase my dreams.

-beauty care?  I always try to clean my face every  morning and every night using a cleanser and a toner.

-parties, cigarettes and alcohol?  I like being around people and party (not all the time). I don’t smoke and I don’t drink. I rarely have a drink with friends.

-football?  I have played soccer for 10 years at high level and my favorite team will always be Inter Milan.

-politics?  I am really interested in politics but right now I am not thinking about being a politician anytime soon.
“To make a name in this industry it’s about a mix between luck and hard work or sometimes it’s just about being in the right place at the right moment.”- he says.

Do you get a lot of compliments and dating invitation from your fans, how do you respond to them?   I always try to be kind when I get compliments, I am really thankful, but when is about marriage and dating invitation I don’t feel like to answer.

How would you describe yourself? Charismatic or a serious man?   I know how to have fun but when is about being serious I am always there to focus and trying to do the right things.

When you go out with your friends do you guys do silly things? Any funny adventure you would like to share? I should write a book about my adventures with my friends. :) There would be so many episodes to tell about that I can’t really chose one in particular.
I couldn’t stay without asking him about his first kiss?  I was just 11 years old when I gave my first kiss.

Except having a great modeling career, he has never been away from school.   I already got graduated in Communication and now I am studying for a second degree in Journalism. I would like to be a journalist someday and have a family.

How do you project your future family?   I really hope to have the right women next to me and build a good family. I wanna have kids but have no idea how many. But I must admit that being raised as the only child was great.

You were part in a music video of one of the most prettiest and talented singer like Jennifer Lopez, ” I Luh Ya Papi”, how was working with her?   It has been such an amazing experience working with Jlo. She was amazing and really nice and humble, too. She looks as great as you see her on tv. Her skin is perfect.
Have your fame and beauty made it easier  for you to open some doors than not everyone can?  No, absolutely not. I think that what it counts is your personality. If you have the right personality you can get everywhere. No matter how you look like.

There are thousands of models in the industry and more want to join, is it hard to shine? What is your best advice to them (including me)?   Modeling it’s such a really hard thing. It’s really difficult to shine. I always suggest to have other interests outside modeling and possibly to keep studying because modeling won’t be forever.
                                         Andrea’s choices:
–Between Nick Bateman and Eliran Biton, he chooses Nick as his best friend.

 He would like to work with both, Cara Delevingne and Candice Swanepoel in a campaign. *Triple threat
–Starring next to Britney Spears or Rihanna? Rihanna. He is more into bad gals.

– He would refuse to go out with Ariana Granda or Selena Gomez because he would never cheat Taylor Swift. ;)

-Fave football player: Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? CR7

-Your style: Street style or Formal style? Both, it depends from the occasions.

–He chooses Capri over Mykonos. He’s Italian.
Thank Andrea! You're truly amazing!

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