Wednesday, March 11, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Patrick Eheim


Hello Patrick, I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed for  my Blog!, to start this interview off, please give me some background information.   
 I was born and raised in a very small German village called Öhringen.  My mom is English and my dad is German, so I grew up bilingual which  obviously helped me a lot with travelling later. My brother lives in North Carolina these days so I used to travel there a lot when I was living in NYC. Now I live in Hamburg cause after 3,5 years of travelling / modelling full time I decided it was time to go back to  school so now I study media and sports management. Starting in  September I will be working for Hugo Boss as an intern which I'm  looking forward to a lot.

-Do you remember how and when did you start modeling and your first modeling photo shoot? Did anyone ever tell you that you should be a model before that?I got scouted at a concert when I was 19, a week later I was flown to  Hamburg for my first test shoot which definitely took some getting  used to, but the photographer was great and made me feel comfortable pretty fast and the pictures turned out so well that they were in my book for years. No, to be honest everyone around me was just as surprised as me when they asked me to join a model agency...

-What did you buy with your very first earning as a model?Well my first job was for German GQ so I got paid like 70€ but starting off I had so many expenses like hotels, trips and test shoots  that it took me quite a while til I actually made some money. I think the first thing I bought with the money I made in Japan - which was the first money I made at all that went into my pocket - was a webcam  for my laptop so I could talk to my friends and family back home on skype.

-What aspect of modeling is your favorite and what is your least  favorite?That's easy, TRAVELLING and meeting new people is by far my favourite. My least favourite is probably going to castings...-Tell me,  what do you think is the key to be chosen by photographers and clients in such a competitive market?Luck, networking and playing the game.

-Apart from modeling, would you like to pursue another field, such as acting? If it so, what role would you like to play?No, to be honest I think it's super cliché when models try to become actors because they think a pretty face is all they need to live this lifestyle forever. If I had to chose a role though it would be something playing along Will Ferrell, he's my hero!

-Tell me more about yourself, how would you describe yourself? Which adjectives would you use?I don't really think I can judge myself. I can only say what I hope other people see in me and that would be kind, fun and honest.-I'm sure you travel alot, what was the most interesting place you have ever visited?That's a tough one... I think in general Japan was amazing, I go back  as often as I can! But I was also fortunate enough to have jobs in  cities like Stockholm and Moscow which were interesting to see - Stockholm I fell in love with instantly and Moscow I really didn't like at all!

-If you weren't modeling, what do you think you'd be doing now? What did you wish to be when you were a kid?I am already back in school, I probably just would have done this a  lot earlier! Haha well when I was younger TOP GUN was my favourite movie so I  always wanted to be a fighter pilot...

-Thanks Patrick for taking your time to reply to my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!You're very welcome, the pleasure was all mine.

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