Saturday, March 7, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Florian Van Bael

Welcome Florian It's a great pleasure to have you here, let's start it off: I know you have been very busy since  interview, please update me on your recent jobs and about the places where you have been.Work comes a bit more often than it used to, I got to discover some new places and rediscovered also some old places I had been to. I started working with some new clients and other ones rebooked me, so far so good.


 -What is the best thing about modeling and what is the most stressful thing about being a  model?For me the best things would be the experience and the people you meet and the bad part would be that I can't plan any vacation as you need to be free for every option or job.
-Just for curiosity, what did you buy with the money earned from your first modeling job?I didn't buy anything yet, but I hope that soon I'll have made enough to buy me a place to live.
-What has been your favorite campaign so far?There's not really been one specific  campaign that was better than the others I would say, but it is always nice when you shoot with big photographers or for big brands.
-What does Success mean to you?  Wealth, Fame,  Happiness,  or none of these?Success can have a different meaning for everyone, but in my case I would say it is to live a happy life!-The three most important things in your life are...?1. Family  2. Friends  3. Freedom

-How important is friendship to you and what's the quality you most admire in a friend?Friendship is crucial! I guess the quality I admire the most would be that me and him can be on such good levels.
 -What is your idea of happiness? What do you need to feel happy?I think happiness is something you can build up, get rid of bad vibes and try to get good people around you.
 -What kind of music do you like best? What's your current favorite song?I am very open to all kind of music, they vary a lot on my moods or environments.

Thanks again  Florian for taking your time to answer my questions!It was my pleasure!!

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