Thursday, March 5, 2015

At 42, Y&R success Internationally!

Among many other soap operas, The Young and The Restless has been a huge success internationally. At 42, 27 years as the #1 Daytime Drama..

The soap’s fan base constitutes primarily of college students and female professionals. A great author and an Art professor, Camille Paglia, once told the press that she has been watching The Young and The Restless for more than 20 years.

 People who haven’t watched this soap often ask what makes this particular soap so addictive and what is it about the soap that has made it win so many Emmy Awards.

“The Young and the Restless” is not just another TV show that talks about the lives of the people who are famous and rich.

Nevertheless, one wonders why people would love watching a show that deals with so many crises with dozens of unhappy situations unfolding in each episode.

When Cassie, Sharon and Nick’s daughter, died last year, people went berserk about the happening and expressed their grief on online threads and forums.

Do we love watching stories that we think we can easily relate to? Or do we prefer watching shows where we can learn ways to cope with things that we think might happen to us too?

Even when we know whatever happens to the characters in a soap opera is not real, we still cry when something tragic happens to them because we are so deeply attached with the characters and their stories that we can empathize very easily. All these situations are very gripping to watch indeed.

The episode where Phyllis’ babies and friend Lauren are kidnapped by Sheila had very high ratings.

 Most critics said that this particular episode had exceptionally high ratings just because people could empathize with Phyllis on a personal level as most people have a fear of their children getting kidnapped.

We are fearful of people who are irrational and crazy, and Sheila was the best example of someone who was jealous and paranoid.

We, as human beings, get deeply fascinated by people who are intelligent but vicious and use their intelligence to harm people.

Another aspect of the Young and the Restless that grips the attention of the contemporary audience is the rise and fall of the conflicts between people who are romantically attracted to each other.

 It is definitely not a new idea as it has been one of the most popular themes in literature.

By having practical scenarios of daily life combined with intense corporate drama and lots of love stories and intelligent dialogues, The Young and the Restless TV show stands as one of the most watched soaps all over the world.

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