Thursday, March 5, 2015

5 Questions for Brian Shimansky!

5 Questions for Male SuperModel
Brian Shimansky!
 by Christopher Uvenio

Which item of clothing in your closet gets most wear and why?
Levi's Denim

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you love to inhabit for a Freaky Friday kind of scenario?
I'd be a kangaroo.

If the world were coming to an end and you were allowed one last kiss, who would be lucky enough to land on your lips?
A coconut.

What never fails to makes you smile?

Freeze frame: Little kid airborne, over a puddle, near a crowd of people, wearing a ring pop, holding a stick.

If your house went up in flames (no-one gets hurt by the way) but you only had time to save one item what would you grab and why?
Journals in left hand. Dog in right.

Cheers to you Shimansky!

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