Sunday, February 15, 2015

World Premiere Interview: Ryan Barrett


Hello  Ryan,  I'm really flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my blog!, to start this interview off, please give me some background information.

Hi, I'm Ryan Barrett born and raised in Ipswich Town, where both my parents still live, I moved to London to study were I currently live with my loving sister who tries to cook for me now and again : ) I have two motorbikes which I LOVE to ride whenever I get the chance. I'm a member of a few art galleries which I really enjoy going to get inspired for my own work. I also take my camera everywhere I got when I travel as I love to snap away.

- What do you remember about your school days,  did you have many friends and what was your favorite subject?

I went to Chantry High school in my home town of Ipswich, England.School for me was a lot of fun, I loved the social side of being at school and getting up to mischief with friends.
My favourite subjects at high school were Physical Education and Art, where my true passion lies. I went college to continue studying Art and then on to do a BA(Hons) in Fine Art Textiles, at Goldsmith’s University, London.

  - How did you start your career as a model?

 Who convinced you to become a model?I was scouted by a couple of different agencies when I first moved to London when starting University. I then signed with Models1 who is currently my mother agency.

- Which was your first main assignment as a model?

I remember both my first ever shoot and my first ever fashion show very well. My first shoot was for Wella hair styling, I had no idea what I had to do or what was expected of me on the shoot, I was truly chucked in at the deep end, but made it out ok.

  You're a very successful model,  and you've have done a lot of major campaigns, in your opinion which of them has contributed the most to your success?

Definitely doing Versace SS12 solo campaign with Gisele Bunchen has been a great change within my career,  giving me a lot more exposure within the industry.

- Can you share with me some of your recent and upcoming  modeling assignments?
I have recently modelled for GQ Italia which was a cool 8 page story and will be out very soon, American Gigiolo concept, which was a lot of fun.

 I know you're a photographer too, tell me how did you start doing photography? Who or what influenced you to become a photographer?
I am a very creative person and after studying Fine Art Textiles, along with travelling a lot for modelling I got frustrated with not being able to paint or create sculptures which I love doing as I was always on the move so much.

I turned to a more mobile medium and bought myself a camera and began taking pictures of landscapes, but being in the industry of fashion it seemed to all fall into place when I started shooting some of my first models for agencies.
I am not trying to pursue photography as a career by any means, it is more of a serious hobby and releases me from some of the creative frustrations I have.

- What are the common elements of your photography style? How would you describe your shooting style?

I personally love to take pictures of interesting things, especially people. Photography is a form of communication like most art forms so I try to capture a narrative from my subjects, capturing the strongest elements, one of my favourite photographers is Tim Walker. I find him  so inspiring with all the incredible set design.

- Which Fashion capital is your favorite:  Paris, Milan, London or NYC? Are the markets in Europe and in  US very different?

I Love NYC as a city in the summer but I always miss London, you can’t beat a good old English pub. Work tends to be different in NYC to Europe, but I just feel its a different market with different clients, requiring different things.

- Thanks Ryan for taking the time to reply to my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!

Fabio Mancini. The Italian super model has taken part in numerous of shoots, campaigns and catwalks. We read on his website’s intro:
One says life is like a road, a winding path, full of crossroads, made of unexpected encounters and unforeseeable happenings. My life as a model started exactly walking on a grey road of Milan, in a cold winter day, when I had less expected it. Out of curiosity, as a challenge, as a game I decided to take the chance. I played, sometimes I made mistakes, but I never gave up. As a blade runner, proud and strong, I’ve drawn and designed the weak edge of my road, always fighting for balance between reality and fiction.
Always with my feet on the ground–warm ground, like the one of my origins – ready to face disappointments and satisfactions. A road which materializes under my heavy steps often full of anger, still soaked with pain of a past which doesn’t feel mine any more. A road which I can not foresee but I can shape and design walking and coming abreast of the ones who manage to catch it, dodging the ones who don’t even catch a glimpse of it.
And yet again, a road, the one of my life, which will take me far.
Because everyone is master of its own destiny.

- See more at:

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