Sunday, February 15, 2015

World Premiere Interview: River Viiperi, Male SuperModel


World Premiere Interview by Christopher Uvenio

Hello  River,  I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed for my blog!, to start this interview off, please give some background information.

Hey! I'm flattered you want to interview me. I was born in Ibiza, Spain but I moved to Finland when I was a kid and lived there for about 4 years. My mother is from Finland, she used to be a model too. After those 4 years in Finland I moved to Spain,  first I lived in Canary Islands for about one year and after that I moved to Madrid, where I currently live. My father is from Spain and he used to be an actor and a professional golfer. I have an older sister, her name is Luna and she is 19 yrs old. I wasn't a good student so I decided to give studies a break and start modeling to see how it goes, so let's see...

-How did you get into modeling? Was it easy or difficult for you to be convinced to become a model?As I said before my mom was a model and she introduced me to this world because she thought I had potential, it was quite easy to convince me because I hated school, so my mom had to convince me to keep studying at least until high school, so the decision wasn't that hard...
-What do your family and friends think of  your choice to pursue a modeling career?
Well my parents would have liked me to finish high school, but I think they are proud of my decision. My friends still don't believe it, but they're supportive.

-What was your first assignment as a model? How did you feel during it?
My first job as a model was an editorial for HERO MAGAZINE, I enjoyed the shoot, the photographer (Carlos Vazquez) was really nice and also the stylist and make-up artist. It was summer during the shoot so it felt good to be outside in the park.

-Though you are very young, your modeling career is going very fast, did you expect to become so popular in such a short time?
Well I really didn't expect everything to work out so well, my mother agent told me that the beginning is always hard, but I enjoy my job and I don't think it's a hard job the only hard thing is being so far away from my friends and family but I don't really care about being popular or not, I just enjoy my job and I'm thankful for having this opportunity.


What are some characteristics of your personality? Which adjectives would you use to describe yourself? I think I am funny, kind, happy, optimistic (sometimes), determined, confident and some bad things  I wont mention. LOL-

I know you're currently in NYC, tell me what was your first impression of this city and what do you miss most about your hometown?Well yeah, currently I'm here in NY my first impression about the city wasn't so good. NYC is not how it is in movies. I miss all of my friends and family so it was quite hard for me to move here but thankfully I met one of my roommates (Nique Jenkins) who was actually nice to me and he made my visit more enjoyable.

-Do you like to travel? Where did you go on your last vacation?I enjoy traveling, that's the best part of my job, because I know there is alot of people who don't get to travel in their lives so I'm thankful about that. My last vacations I stayed in Spain, I went with my friends to Valencia, to the FIB (International Festival of Benicasim) and after that I went to Marbella with them for about 1 month to enjoy the beach. After that I went to London to really start modeling.


What is your favorite sport? How often do you play it?When I was a kid I used to do all kinds of sports, soccer, tennis paddle, swimming, martial arts...but now that I started working I can't do none of those sport as much as I would like, I go as much as I can to the gym and swimming, that's all I can do.-Thanks again for taking the time to reply to my questions, good luck with your future challenges!

Thank you, No worries, it was a pleasure!

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