began basically once my heart was broken for the last
time and I knew I finally had to stop living just for
love but now for the love of my daughter..."

"I def. like drama, but most people who don't really know me would never expect I have a very comedic side as well"
I am really proud to present our exclusive interview with Josh Kloss, American supermodel and actor. Surely many of you remember that he starred in five episodes of the popular TV series 'O.C.' and that he played the boyfriend of the popular singer Katy Perry in 'Teenage Dream' video (2010).

But there is much more to say on Josh, he worked with famous photographers such as Scott Hoover and Tony Duran just to mention two and he appeared in a great number of magazines like 'Monolougue', 'GQ', 'Details' and so on. He's also the face of Pal Zileri and Impetus campaigns.
Joshua, I'm flattered you accepted to be interviewed
for my blog!, to start this interview
off, please give me some background information
I'm from Oregon, born in Portland raised
in Pendelton, huge cowboy town at least back then it
was. I went to college for vocal performance, but when
I realized you typically gotta be older and Larger to
make money I threw in the towel, funny cause then Josh
Groban came out and changed the game a year later.
When did you get
interested in movies? Have you ever taken acting classes?I
grew up wanting to be a football player or a rockstar,
but as I've went through a lot in life I've learned
to love a great story and an actor who can bring that
out versus all the lame "movie stars" which
win mainly because of the huge teams behind them. I
want to act if its going to be authentic and pure not
just take some handouts or bit parts that make me look
like a sell out, cause I'm anything but that. I'm working
with Joanne Horowitz now and training with Max Deckor
a great coach and when the right role comes a long I
will back off a little on modeling and give it my 100
as I do with anything.

You starred
in five episodes of the TV series "O.C",
what do you remember of that experience? Yeah
it was cool, but I like to stay cool to so I didn't
let it change me, as I watched friends on "the
OC" change it really saddened me and I ended up
very affected and honestly didn't even want to stay
and experience that at all. I was young and couldn't
see the point, besides the great money.
kind of movies would you like to star in and what character
would you most like to play?I def. like
drama, but most people who don't really know me would
never expect I have a very comedic side as well, I can't
wait to grow a beard and sling a sixshooter in western
though, I think I could either pull off the billionaire
in a suit with elegance and sophistication, but easily
slip into the darkest dirtiest character with
the same amount of excellence, and I'm looking forward
to proving it, as long as its a quality project.

-How do you stay in shape and what is your perception of a positive body image?I've said it before and I'll say it again, I read health magazines, nutrition tips and workouts are constantly changing. my body image is constantly challenged, IF I go into a gym like anyone else you see the roided up guys staring everyone down like they're disgusting, and I like anyone else can succumb to inferiority, but I am so lucky to be able to repeatedly remind myself, my body makes money and I should keep my head high.
-How do you stay in shape and what is your perception of a positive body image?I've said it before and I'll say it again, I read health magazines, nutrition tips and workouts are constantly changing. my body image is constantly challenged, IF I go into a gym like anyone else you see the roided up guys staring everyone down like they're disgusting, and I like anyone else can succumb to inferiority, but I am so lucky to be able to repeatedly remind myself, my body makes money and I should keep my head high.

Body image is not
a light subject I grew up being called lazy and even
fat, by the most important woman in my childhood so
that's something that haunts me till this day. I would
like people to judge far less in America each others
bodies and instead judge the FDA, restaurant owners,
grocery stores, and advertisers, they're the only ones
I think are for the most part disgusting in nature and
go back some years ago: what
do you remember from your school days? What was your
favorite subject?I was always a loner, accepted
for my ability in sports but socially defunct entirely.
I got in many fights defending my brothers but was never
a bully, and never lost one. my favorite subjects were
art and choir in high school days. I loved the freedom
and happiness of choir class, even dressed up as Elvis
and sang with my choir backing me up for one of our
concerts, can't remember the song? ;)

-Thanks Josh for sharing your story with me, any additional comments?
I'm sorry I've hidden from this interview for like what? a year now? I don't want to be a "model" spokesperson or a fitness guru, so I've hidden from a handful of interviews and opportunities, I'm really a human not perfect but not blind to my imperfections either, so watch me now and watch me grow I intend on being a leader in many forms while I'm here on earth! oh and stop the complacency, stand up!, Never Give UP:)
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