Sunday, December 21, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Deon Whitter Part 3!

Deon Whitter's Back Part 3
by Christopher Uvenio
Here's a little about Deon. He is of mixed race (Jamaican and Irish),  have a BA in English from Baruch College.  Presently Deon is a Program Director for an after school elementary program. He also provide professional services as a Personal Trainer. His  other sports interest vary, but physical fitness is a long time passion for me. Modeling falls perfectly in line with these interests.
Do you consider yourself handsome? Yes I do
When did it occur to you? When I became comfortable within myself/skin a few years ago.
Do you think there are certain expectations of you because of how you look? Of course, and it’s a great deal of pressure. I think I handle it extremely well now because I’m doing what I love and understand the pressure.

Do you think people treat you different because of how you look? At times yes but I don’t get wrapped up in it nor do I use it to any advantage at all. I’m a humble dude and will remain that way.
Do you ever wish you looked different? I used to for years. I was that guy who had self-confidence issue. Once I learned to appreciate myself for who and what I am, I was in a better place but it took some time to get here.

Do your friends ever make fun of you for looking the way you do? Of course lol. It’s all love though. My friends and I are always cracking jokes. It’s what we do and we don’t take it personal. 
Have you ever wanted to look different? How so? I always wanted to be taller and more lean. Now, the tall part I can’t make happen, it is what it is lol. As for being leaner, I took care of that ;-)
Do you have a girlfriend? No
Are you more often single or in a serious relationship? I’m actually married to my husband. Been married for almost 3yrs and been together for over 15.
Are looks important to you in the person you're dating? Rank your priorities in the traits of a girl you'd date? Looks are always important but not what creates a long lasting relationship.
Do you consider yourself "cute," "handsome," or "sexy"? Pick one, and explain why.

I consider myself "sexy". It comes out of my pours lol. Being sexy is more than the "physical". It’s about the mind. If you think it, it’ll happen ;-)

How would you rate yourself? One to ten. A strong 8
When did you realize you were handsome? A few years ago.
How would you rate yourself? One to ten.  
Would you say your handsomeness is a defining character trait? Not my defining trait but most definitely on the list lol

Like, within the first three adjectives someone would use to describe you? Fun, sexy and lively.
How often do you expect to have sex? As often as possible
Part 4 Interview with Deon Whitter will be more hotter!

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