Sunday, December 21, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Deon Whitter Part 2!

Deon Whitter is BACK!

one on one Interview:Part 2!Here's a little about Deon. He is of mixed race (Jamaican and Irish),  have a BA in English from Baruch College.  Presently Deon is a Program Director for an after school elementary program. He also provide professional services as a Personal Trainer. His  other sports interest vary, but physical fitness is a long time passion for me. Modeling falls perfectly in line with these interests.

What is the biggest misconception people have about you? Is that I’m conceited and a "muscle head"
Who makes You laugh? The government LOL 
What was the last gift that you bought yourself? Some sweatpants from H&M
If you were a professional Athlete instead of a Male Model, what sport would you play? TRACK STAR

What is the last song you caught yourself singing in the shower? Grease Lightening
What quality is most important in a friend? Trust
What was your favorite television show when you were a kid? Dynasty

Do you prefer planes, trains or automobiles? Am fascinated with planes
Where would you like to live besides the USA? Greece
Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever fallen asleep? In a meeting with 3 of my supervisors
Who is your favorite cartoon character? Snoopy
What Item have you kept from Childhood? Memories

Thank you Deon! Part 3 Interview is on its way!

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