Sunday, November 23, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Adam Senn

Adam Senn starting his modeling career at the age of 18, he happened to be with a girlfriend at a hotel where there was a modeling convention going on. He was approached by a few different agents and ended up calling one eventually (Gaspard Lukali-Lacote, an agent from Re:Quest Models)
It was 2002, and he was 18 when he moved to New York.Adam is one of the “muse” of Dolce & Gabbana, with co-star like David Gandy or Noah Mills, and so he is definitively part of the most famous campaign of the Fashion industry, either with his friends or alone. Most of the pictures were shot by the photographer Mario Testino.
Hello Adam, I am proud to interview you, just to start it off, though you are very famous, please give me some background information.
Come on I am not famous nor would I wanna be, I wish that on no one. I was born in Paris, France, raised in Sugarland Texas where I still have a house and I live/work in New York. I gave up a golf scholarship to Texas Tech to study Theater arts in Manhattan when I was 18, and picked up modeling to pay my way through school. I have a wonderful supportive family and the best little sister any guy could ask for!
Who discovered you and convinced you to become a model and how old were you at the time?
I had been approached several times starting when I was 15 to be a model and I never thought it was for me cause I was set on playing golf for the rest of my life. And one thing led to another by the time I was 18. I ran into a agent from New York in a hotel lobby in Houston and was asked to come to NY to check it out. I saw it as a stepping stone to get involved with some of the best theater arts associations in NY. Being a little burnt out on golf, I gave up a free ride, and I promised my parents I would enroll into acting classes, needless to say they were skeptical, but here I am 8 years later still in NY hacking away.
-Do you remember your first main assignment as a model?
Very first shoot was with Hillary Swank for Intouch mag.

You  worked with many famous photographers, Mario Testino just to mention one, how was working with him? how would you describe him as a photographer and as a person?
Mario is one of the best, he has a eye for taking pictures that are one of a kind.

You are a very successful model and you have done several major campaigns but is there still a fashion campaign and a designer you would like to work for?
Haha, funny you ask that, hummmm I would love to work for Ralph Lauren I only wear Polo when I play golf, lol.
I know you’re an actor as well, when did you get interested in movies? Have you ever taken acting classes?
I had movie night every Friday at my house since I was born. My father raised me on all the Classics and my uncle raised me on Horror. I have taken theater classes since I was 12, through high school and have studied with several amazing teachers here in New York. You can never learn enough!

-What kind of movies would you like to star in? And what character would you most like to play?
I love films that take you through twist and turns and make you think. I would love to play a wide range of characters, I love to work hard in order to be well rounded, so I cant choose just one type of character, but psychotic is always fun! “Clock work Orange” comes to mind!
-Tell me about your restaurants in NYC, when did you decide to set up this business? what kind of  are they?
I got involved in restaurants about 5 years ago, a friend of mine is very successful in the business and I had a opportunity to invest with him in two, called Il Bastardo and Sete. I had a concept for a wine bar so we changed Sete and named it Bar Baresco and turned it into a wine and pizza bar. I just took over a third restaurant called Film Center Cafe. I changed the menu and decor and now its better than ever. My Grandfather had a catering service and my grandmother used to come up to NY from TX to cook with Martha Stewart so she always brought back some of the best recipes which I have installed into film centers comfort food menu.

-I know you’ve traveled around the world, where you would like to live other than where you do now?
 I will always have a apt in NY but my heart still lies in Texas! I would love to build my dream home on lake Austin in TX.
-Who do you hang out with? Do you have any friends among male and female models?
Hummmm friends??? I have a few really good friends and many acquaintances. Noah Mills is a very good friend as well as Mark Vanderloo, Alex Lundquist.

-Thanks  Adam for taking your time to answer my questions, it was a gift to me and my readers!

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