Wednesday, June 25, 2014

World Premiere Interview: David Vance Part 2!

David Vance: The Master of his Craft
by Christopher Uvenio
For more than 30 years, David Vance has enjoyed a successful career photographing advertising and editorial assignments for Cosmopolitan, Entertainment Weekly, Interview, Men's Health, Rolling Stone, Tennis, Uomo and Harper's Bazaar, Italia. 

Among his clients are Revlon, Rolex, Sony, Atlantic and Island Records, Time-Life, Doubleday, Coca-Cola, Panama Jack, Kodak , Lions Gate and Miramax films.

One of his first assignments was photographing the cast of the original Broadway production of "Oh! Calcutta." Celebrity portraits include Bea Arthur, William Baldwin, Steven Bauer, Toni Braxton, Gloria Estefan, Daisey Fuentes, Andy Garcia, Hal Holbrook, KC and the Sunshine Band, Sophia Loren,
Ricky Martin, Johnny Mathis, Luciano Pavarotti, Iggy Pop, Steven Seagal, Eli Wallach, Lil Wayne and Dionne Warwick. Sports figures include Billy Bean, Chris Evert, Mitch Gaylord, Greg Louganis, Dan Marino, Don Mattingly, Johnny Mitchell and Mary Pierce. 

An alumnus of Rochester Institute of Technology, David continues his international work and maintains his studio base in his hometown of Miami.
Who was the last famous person you worked with?
I believe it was Dionne Warwick. We shot the photos for the CD package celebrating her 50 years as a recording artist. 
And you done a lot with Dionne Warwick, how long have you known her for? 
Since 1982.

Did she come to you to do work for her?
Yes. She called me after seeing my photo of Johnny Mathis that was on a billboard overlooking Sunset Blvd.  in Hollywood, CA.
What female celebrity would you like to work with and why?
Jennifer Lawrence (actress: THE HUNGER GAMES) because she seems to be authentic. In her interviews she’s real and unfiltered, plus she is beautiful.
What are the similarities and differences between working with two beautiful male supermodels, Bill McLarnon and Ivan Scannell?  
When I photographed Ivan, he was already a seasoned fitness model… when Bill came to me, he had only been shot by one other photographer, Jorge Freire.

What was it like working with the extremely beautiful Bill McLarnon and Ivan Scannell?
It was different. Ivan had experience so it was possible to get further faster. With Bill, I wanted to give him a wide variety of images because he was just starting out.
What is Benjamin Godfrey like? He seems to be a very over the top character seen everywhere!
He really is a character. Very lovable and creative… open and easy…. Chill. He’s a ‘no worries’ kind of guy.
I love your work you done with him inspired by the Circus Theme, what did Benjamin thought of the theme?
He got right into it. We had such a good shoot. Normally my shoots aren’t that structured but for some reason I was inspired to do something extra with Benjamin. I had been aware of him for years before I actually got to work with him.

 He doesn’t seem to mind being nude a lot more than clothes.
No. He doesn’t mind being nude. I think he’s been shooting nudes since he was quite young, maybe 17 or 18.

What was it like shooting the beautiful Alex Hanson?
She is remarkable. Every bit as beautiful as she looks. I remember the last time I photographed her; I picked her up at her hotel and she wasn’t wearing any make up. She was incredibly beautiful au natural. She’s just a natural beauty. Amazing face and body… very low maintenance and sweet as she is pretty.

What is Craig Moody like?
Like a live wire. He’s 110% energy. When I met him I told him he need to do more than model, that he was in my opinion, actor material… the very next week he landed the lead in a local production of MAKING PORN.
I was amazed at how good he was…a natural actor… took to the stage like a fish to water. He since appeared as the guard in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUKOO’S NEST, and is currently working on his third play. He’s now working on his third play. He seems to be hooked. 

Where did you discover the very masculine Levi Jackson?
On the model site, MODEL MAYHEM. He came to me and I was struck by his beauty. I thought he would be difficult, but he turned out to be one of the nicest, most humble people I know.

Who are your personal favorite models to work with and would do it all over again?
Most of the models I have shot I would shoot again. I love them all for different reasons. I hesitate to choose favorites. I must say though that I have a special place in my heart for Stephane Heffner. He is a wonderful person and a talented aerial artist…. A totally creative person who also designs costumes and sets for his show FARFADAIS.

Who are the models very difficult to work with and why? Egos or being late?
I won’t mention any names, but there have been more than a few. With some it’s ego, others want too much control. I’ve also been stood up for shoots and sometimes models get cold feet about posing nude.
 Do you do model casting before you do the photo shoot and what do you look for when you do model casting? Personality? Beauty?
Yes, I prefer to meet models before actually booking a shoot. I look for attitude that is enthusiastic. Also I am more inclined to photograph someone who has good proportions. Beauty for me is very eclectic. Usually is someone is pursuing modeling that have to have some degree of beauty.
Out of all your different amazing beautiful work you have done, who was your favorite?
Impossible to answer. I have been taking photographs since I was a teenager. I really can’t think of a single favorite.

What are your Pet Peeves?
I have no tolerance for duplicitous people. If someone lies to me, that’s the end of that association. I’m also not fond of people who are too full of themselves.
What do you like to do on your day off?
I always have to be creating. I don’t really take much time off… I’m too hyper to really relax.

What superstitions do you believe in?

Do you prefer planes, train or automobiles?
Depends on where I’m going. I’m not a big fan of flying, but sometimes it’s necessary to fly.

What is the most foolish thing you’ve ever done?
I can’t remember, and if I could I probably wouldn’t tell you.  

Who is your favorite singer?
It changes all the time. Right now I am quite fond of Lara Fabian.

And what is your next project after the interview?
I am working on a new book with BRUNO GMUNDER. The tentative title is MASCULINE BEAUTY.

Thank you so much David and I love admiring your work! Keep in touch!

You’re welcome. Thanks for your support.

Please mention that I have books and prints available for sale at and that I accept private commissions. I don’t just photograph beautiful models. You can reach my studio for information at

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