Tuesday, April 8, 2014

World Premiere Interview: Super Model Name Rocky ! Part 2

Hard as a Rock! After the first successful interview, I figured to ask the very masculine Rocky Coates more questions for our Part 2 interview. And getting personal with Rocky, I asked him to weigh in on a few of his favorite things from smells to sounds to sitcoms!    

Welcome back Rocky! I have more questions for you from the first successful interview!
What do you consider your best feature? I'd consider my best feature my ability to adapt to any situation whether it's bad or good and still be me. 
What is your favorite Comfort food? My favorite comfort food has got to be my mothers homemade Mac n cheese with baked beans (I mix the two and definitely eat like it's my last meal each time!)
Favorite Designer: I don't really have a favorite designer. If you looked at my clothes or shoes there isn't really the same name over and over. 
Favorite Shoes: My favorite shoes are either my basket ball shoes or my soccer boots more for the meaning of why I'm wearing them though.
Favorite Sneakers: my newest new balance running shoes I got from working with new balance recently for the new balance nationals for high school kids.
Favorite City: Rio di Janeiro is my favorite city. Beaches, soccer and sun. Perfect.  
Favorite Country: I might have to say Brazil because when I was there for a month I didn't want to leave.
Favorite Jeans Brand: Levi's are classic (plus with all different fits can't go wrong)
Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is either the beach (I'd love to do what Leo does in that) or fight club. And dumber is up there too.
Favorite Female Actress: Hmm, my favorite female actor is probably Natalie Portman. She's funny, smart and that makes sexy to me.
Favorite Male Actor: Brad Pitt is my favorite male actor. He can play all different types of roles and gives a lot back.
Favorite Hot drink: Hot chocolate is my favorite hot drink.
Favorite Cold drink: Either chocolate milk or basically any fruit smoothie are my favorite cold drinks.
Favorite Wine: Malbec from Argentina is my favorite wine.
Favorite Sports Team: My favorite sports team is the LA Lakers (liked them since I was a kid) Eventhough I grew up with the Seattle Sonics I would bet my dad the lakers would beat them each time they'd play)
Favorite TV Sitcom: SNL is my favorite sitcom (if that counts as a sitcom)
Favorite TV Drama: Dexter or Breaking bad were the first and only series I've ever watched the entire series so it's a tie between them.
Favorite Smell: My favorite smell is probably fresh baked bread.
Favorite Sound: The ocean is probably my favorite sound. 
Favorite Workout: Playing soccer or basketball are my favorite workouts (I don't look at them like working out though)
Favorite Gym: I don't have a favorite gym. To me it's about getting what you want from what's in the gym not the name or any other bs.

Favorite Shampoo: AG shampoo is my favorite. A new product a friend gave me. Coming soon here to the East coast. 
Favorite Magazine: I don't know many magazines that are less circulated so I'll stick to what I know. GQ is my favorite for now, I use to ride my bicycle as a kid to go to the local grocery and pick it up and say I wanna be in here/on the cover some day. 
Favorite Book: This sounds bad but, I've never finished an entire book in my life. 
Favorite Game to play: Super Mario games in regular Nintendo or Mario kart on the 64 are my favorite games. (I miss having them)
Favorite Female Singer: I'm not quite sure who my favorite female singer is. I might say Madonna (old stuff though) 
Favorite Male Singer: Freddie Mercury is my favorite male singer. Or Mickey Avalon (if you consider that singing ;)  

Thank you Rocky, and yes there will be more parts for the interview, stay tune!     
And next week, Rocky will be doing a big photo shoot in my menswear collection with Rafaele Riviera and Rafael Medina, Shea Kelly and a female model to be announce later. 

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