Tuesday, February 4, 2014

I LOVE NY Fashion Week!

Everyone who isn't in the Fashion business always ask me this question: 


"Why Do We Still Have Fashion Week?"

This brings us to an important question. Why do we still have fashion week? Surely, no one wants to wait 6 months to wear something? I mean, that’s a whole half-year   

The press and buyers are saying there are too many shows, and that means too much cabbing and walking! Then you have to fly from New York to London, then to Milan, and then to Paris! And if that’s not everyone’s version of a human hell, we don’t know what is!

And then there’s the whole “endless-wait” issue. If you’re anything like most people, you probably want a new tennis outfit every couple of weeks. And you’ll need a top hat for the cotillion, and since those are held semi-weekly, you may need the one with the red bow, and also the one carved out of a single Osaka pearl.
Contrarians point out that there are still, roughly speaking, two main seasons on planet Earth (although at 96° in LA in mid-November, that may not be a “given” going forward). But, even with less seasonal extremes, you still don’t wear a swimsuit in January or a peacoat in mid-August. So, in broad strokes, the two seasons still make sense.

But the real issue (why not?) is: Why shouldn’t designers be able to release numerous collections throughout the year, instead of in these two awkward seasonal “blocks?”
They could, if not for the scourge of “fashion week”!
I mean, they could, if not for this scourge known as “fashion week”! You see, each designer would be totally embarrassed to showcase their designs in front of a world audience, and then also release other stuff. That’s right: Fashion week makes it impossible, probably.
That's only in my opinion!

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