Sunday, January 23, 2011

WORLD AIDS DAY at the Fashion Institute of Technology

The World AIDS day event took place at the Prestigious Fashion University in the world, only in New York, The Fashion Institute of Technology....             
The Night after the World Premiere Event of the AAS Exhibition at the Fashion Institute of Technology, I was volunteered to be creating the special Event of World AIDS Day presenting an incredible Creation by the Amazingly talented FIT  Designers using Condoms as the garments...No fabrics, just rubber condoms!
A very 3 months project, I created the show together with great help from the Fashion Art Club and the Fashion Art Area...
Beautiful Models, brought glamour and sex appeal into the event; Jonathan Parker in a condom fur jacket by Charlie Bree and Michele Stewart in a beautiful Condom Couture dress by Mira..Great Art Gallery of Student Designers work along with FIT's very own Creations along with Stipelman, Vargas, Tain,  Rothman, Emanual-King and Kiper...

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