Sunday, March 1, 2020

Interview with International Male model: Dan Hyman

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Dan Hyman, model, entrepreneur and fan of fitness, recently completed his personal training course with us. We caught up with him to chat about the course, his career and his plans for the future.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I’m London based and currently modelling which takes up most of my time. In my spare time I have started an online platform called EATLOOKFEEL, in which I provide nutrition, training and mindset strategies remotely for online clients and will be releasing the ‘EATLOOKFEEL x Modern Healthy’ rulebook over the next few months when the time is right.

What does your training schedule look like, how do you like to train?

I base my training around the foundation of health. My goal is to build a healthy, functional physique that allows me to comfortably do all the things I need to do in life as well as being aesthetic for my modelling commitments.
I like to train at a high intensity and incorporate core compound lifting techniques with intense supersets and CrossFit conditioning methods. I predominantly split my training into push/pull/lower and then use HIIT/conditioning full body workouts in and around this.
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I programme my training predominately starting with a ‘strength phase’ which includes the main core compound movement patterns. Then moving to a ‘accessory/hypertrophy phase’ which includes supersets incorporating more isolation movements. Finally finishing with a ‘conditioning/finisher phase’ which is performed at a higher intensity designed to raise the heart rate and often targeting the specific area trained.
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How has your training and mindset changed over the years?

My training has changed hugely. The most conscious change I’ve made is focusing on my overall health therefore ensuring my form and technique is correct before I worry about the weights I am lifting.
I have also had to make several changes due to my modelling commitments. I stay a certain size to fit the generic sample size clothes I have had to educate myself to build the best, healthiest physique whilst still fitting these measurements which has led to me changing my training hugely, adopting a higher intensity style of training.
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I also judge no one. Every single one of us has the right and choice over how we approach our personal nutrition, training and mindset. I believe everyone can benefit in all aspects of life from addressing these principles, but no one should be judged on their individual choices.

It must be tough to stick to your nutrition plan when you are out and about, any tips?

Think and prepare ahead of time is your best bet. There is usually time if you want there to be. If you can’t prepare your own food, then just make healthy and educated decisions. Think long term, its easy when caught out and about to make un-healthy decisions but it’s important to keep in mind your longer-term goals and what is going to get you closer to that goal.
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Why did you want to do a PT course?

I genuinely love helping people become the best version of themselves possible by addressing the principles of nutrition, training and mindset. That’s what I get self-satisfaction/achievement from. My long-term goal is to create a living from doing exactly that. I completed my PT qualification and my nutrition diploma to educate myself thoroughly and gain the credibility and knowledge to launch and continue to grow the EATLOOKFEEL brand.

What did you think of the TRAINFITNESS course – highlights, general thoughts on the course?

TRAINFITNESS were amazing to me, I was very lucky to do my qualification through them. Although very intense at times the education is very well delivered, and the facilities are second to none. They were very accommodating and understanding around my travel and modelling commitments, which made my life much easier and enabled me to get my full qualification in 8 weeks.
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They are very accommodating to all levels, take everything back to basics and don’t allow anyone to think they already know it all which I needed and I believe creates a stronger foundation of knowledge going forward.

Has the course changed the way you train if so how?

Very much so. Taking every core movement pattern back to basics and starting again was a game changer for me. It’s easy to watch videos on YouTube/Social media and get into the mindset that the way you do things is correct. To completely start every movement pattern again from scratch really does highlight the flaws in your own form and techniques which is invaluable both with your own personal training and also when approaching client training.
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What’s next for you?

I am continuing to model whilst providing for my online clients through the EATLOOKFEEL platform. I currently am enjoying the balance between the two.
I will be releasing the ‘EATLOOKFEEL x Modern Healthy’ blueprint in Q1 2019 which is a 60-page book designed to educate users to be able to create a healthier, happier lifestyle for themselves by addressing the 3 core principles of health, nutrition, training and mindset. While providing training blocks and nutrition strategies works for some people it often doesn’t provide the education required to make it sustainable over a long period of time, which is why I wrote the blueprint in the way that I did.
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I have been lucky enough to gain online clients through word of mouth so far but going further into 2019 I am going to focus on scaling it up and opening the EATLOOKFEEL method to the public enabling more people to get involved. Providing nutrition, training and mindset strategies for people is something that I genuinely love and get a lot from but it’s just ensuring I have the time to do it properly around my modelling and travelling commitments.
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Favourite spot to grab lunch on the go?

Island Poke (Hawaiian/Sushi) Tuna, Rice, Mango, Seaweed, Onion, Broccoli. GAMECHANGER.

Signature Dish?

I eat A LOT of oats, and have pretty much perfected overnight oats and porridge bowls. But my signature is my (healthy) spin on fish and chips. If you know, you know.
Image result for dan hyman  model

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