Monday, December 2, 2019

The Andrew Stark Interview

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Hi Andrew. I already know how hot you are, but pretend I've never seen you before and I'm reading your hook-up ad on Manhunt or Craigslist. What does it say?
OK. I'm a 6' 2", 195(ish)-pound, brown-haired, brown-eyed, well-hung, attractive, toned model. I'm also a sex addict. I'm 26 years old and looking for a love interest who can handle my crazy life. I'm living in Denver, Colorado and I prefer to top, but can take it just as easily. If interested, feel free to throw me a message, I would love to see what happens.
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I notice you left out whether you're gay, bi, or straight, and actually I've never been able to tell what you are. Have you ever said publicly?
You really can't tell? I guess I'm doing my job right.
Good answer. OK, then what do you think about the whole "gay-for-pay" debate in gay porn?
That's a rather hot topic as of late, isn't it? I believe that if you're going to work in gay porn, you should be prepared to follow through and do everything. It's easy to understand that a performer willing to do more will get more work, and he'll have a longer life span in the industry. I know there are a few performers who will only do a small amount of things on camera, and I don't think they're going to have long careers.
And you're certainly done "everything," going back to when you started at Corbin Fisher over three years ago.
Did they recruit you?I was found by a head hunter through the internet, and I was very nervous when I started. In fact, a lot of my first experiences with a male were on camera.
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Do you have a "favorite" scene or moment from your time with Corbin Fisher?
The one that's most memorable is the first time I ever serviced someone. It was Connor, and his manhood was staring me in the face when they said "action." So, I just took a deep breath and swallowed.
I'll never forget the first time I saw you have an orgasm in "Ty's First Time," with Travis. You were shaking so uncontrollably, it looked like you were going to die! Was that for real, or were you just acting?
There is no acting about it. I've been doing it all my life. I thought everyone did it when I was younger, and it wasn't until years later that I found out that my orgasms are...different. In fact, after watching my first few videos, I realized how violent it really was and have since tried to maintain some control over it.

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I've seen that you have similarly intense orgasms in your Randy Blue scenes, too.
"The Quake," as I've been nicknamed, has always and will always be a part of me.
On Corbin Fisher, you performed with someone who they said was your brother, "Daniel." Was Daniel really your brother, or was that just a stunt?
That truly was my real brother, and working with him was an absolute blast! When the opportunity was brought up of us doing that scene, we both jumped at it. We've always been really close, so there wasn't any awkwardness about it. He's been in college ever since and should be graduating in about a year. We still keep in regular contact and he comes to see me every summer and holidays. Love that kid.
So as everyone knows, you did eventually leave Corbin Fisher and moved to Randy Blue And now, you've left Randy Blue and are shooting with Any reason behind the transitions?
It just felt like the time to move on in both cases. There's no negative reason for either one. I still talk to the people from Randy Blue all the time, and I even shot with them just a few weeks ago. I love the crew there and still consider it my home.
In addition to porn, you do special effects make-up, and it's like a side job, right?
Airbrushing/SFX make-up has always been my passion and it's amazing that I've been able to turn it into a career. There's no way that I would be able to live off of performing alone nor airbrushing alone, but between the two, I stay very busy. The fact that I can live off the things I love to do...there's no better feeling. And even better, my two passions are now starting to merge. There's a few projects coming up that I'm very excited about.

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Are you single now? What do you look for in a guy? Or a girl, since I still really can't tell if you're gay or not. Does your partner have to be as hot as you, or do you go for people with "great personalities"?
"As hot as me or a great personality"? I'm sure you thought long and hard on at least one question to try and make me sound shallow, but it won't work!
I tried.
I can sound shallow all on my own, thank you. Seriously, I'm single and hating it. I find dating to be the most difficult part of being in the industry. But when it comes to my "type," I don't really have one. My tastes are rather wide, and I'm more interested in personalities. But I wouldn't mind a tall, decent build, well endowed, super attractive model who's also incredibly deep, thoughtful, and creative. Which brings me to a question I've been meaning to ask...are you available?
No, because I just died. Thanks, Andrew!
Image result for Andrew Stark porn

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