‘Bold And The Beautiful’ Spoilers: The Death Of Thomas Forrester – Was It All A Sinister Set Up For Hope Logan?

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ (B&B) Spoilers finds that, as we all know, Thomas Forrester (Matthew Atkinson) recently decided to take a permanent bath – in hydrochloric acid that is! Well, he didn’t so much decide as he slipped and fell when Hope pulled away when he was trying to kiss her. Just have to say, I’ve seen less boneheaded lemmings on the discovery channel if you catch my drift, and those guys decide to throw themselves into the sea directly after mating! Thomas didn’t even have the patience to get to the good stuff before he tripped himself up and fell into the boiling vat of acid below. That’s just… well… tragic but almost comically so.

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers:
Are the rumors true?
However there’s been a rumor floating around that maybe Thomas isn’t quite so dead after all. Maybe, just maybe, he rigged the whole thing in order to set up Hope Logan (Annika Noelle) and the rest of the Logan women. After all, he knows that if anything of this magnitude ever happened that ‘Bridge’ would be forever burnt. When Ridge Forrester (Thorsten Kaye) hears about this, adoption papers are going to be the last thing on anyone’s mind because Brooke Forrester (Katherine Kelly Lang) is going to be slapped with divorce papers so fast it’s going to make her head spin. And Ridge… will be catapulted into Shauna’s arms.

Now, I’m personally skeptical of this rumor because I don’t even think that Thomas knew about the large vat of acid in the storage room. Why else would he tell Hope that little Douglas Forrester (Henry Joseph Samiri) was in the storage room if he knew there was a boiling vat of acid in there? As questionable as Thomas’s parenting skills sometimes are, I don’t think he’d lock his kid in a room with a vat of boiling acid. I mean, that would definitely be grounds for child endangerment and Hope was already pushing for custody of Douglas, he would’ve played right into her hands.

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: Thomas is a supervillain?
But if it is a setup… then wow, Thomas is an evil mastermind on the same level as the infamous Stefano DiMera (Joseph Mascolo) of ‘Days of Our Lives’ fame. This would mean that he’s willing to go through possible physical disfigurement, months of possibly painful reconstructive surgeries and physical therapy, and the psychological scarring of his four year old son all in the name of bringing down the Logans and possibly getting some from Hope. Not necessarily in that order though.

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: Hope gets what she wants but not the way she wants it!
way she wants it
That… is some food for thought, ladies and gentlemen. We’re not sure if Thomas is actually dead or not, all we have to go by right now is the preview for next week with Hope saying “I killed Thomas” however, that may or may not be true. If it wasn’t a set-up and he’s actually just severely injured that may be what we’re dealing with. However, if Thomas is truly dead… then Hope may have just gotten what she wanted, in the worst possible way.
‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: This is not going to look good in court
But getting back to the whole set-up thing if it is and Thomas is just sitting off twirling his proverbial mustache and watching the chaos rain down from an undisclosed location then my prediction is that this whole mess will come into play in not only the court case that’s going to come against Hope, but also any and all future Bridge divorce proceedings. It’s not going to look good for Brooke or Hope if a DA determines that they were in cahoots to get Thomas’s son and then Thomas ever so conveniently fell into a vat of hydrochloric acid less than 15 minutes after he signed the papers. There’s just no way to make that look good, not even the Dream Team from the OJ trial could explain that one away so I wonder what sort of high powered Lawyer that Hope is going to get to represent her in any sort of legal proceedings?

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: It may be up to the Spencers to save the Logans
Dollar Bill Spencer (Don Diamont) is still an option. After all, he doesn’t like people who mess with Spencers and he’s offered to off Thomas several times in the past. He’ll probably look at Hope, congratulate her and say ‘good riddance’ when he hears of Thomas’s death and then he’ll hire the best attorney he can find to get his daughter-in-law out of a jam so that she can continue being a Mom to little Beth Spencer (River Davidson and Madeline Valdez) and arguably little Douglas, even though Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) may have some reservations about that.

‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Spoilers: Bill vs. Ridge – again? Or Will Hope be tripped up by her own guilt?
In this instance, Hope may be her own worst enemy. While she certainly didn’t like what Thomas was doing and was so happy to be reunited with her baby girl Beth and her hubby Liam, she could never get Thomas, and especially little Douglas, out of her mind. She could never just be content to let things go back to the way they were. Now with her feeling guilty over possibly killing Thomas and probably feeling even more of a sense of maternal duty toward little Douglas, will she let these things eat at her and admit to being guilty on the stand? Or worse yet, if it turns out that Thomas isn’t dead, will this be the thing that finally push her back into his arms to stay? Hope seems to have this sense of duty, the kind that says that even if she isn’t guilty, she feels enough guilt for both parties and has to make it up to the offended party in the biggest, most on-going way possible. This might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, I hate to say it. It’ll be interesting to see how this all plays out. Stay tuned!!!
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