Friday, August 23, 2019

Rossy dePalma & Gaultier: A Different Beauty

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Rossy de Palma and Jean Paul Gaultier: a different beauty

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The fashion world is full of women traced: thin and tall, almost as fallen angels from heaven. No nose jobs, or collagens or facelifts. Rossy de Palma was the antithesis of time and achieved his fame as a model with such brands as Gap, Jean Paul Gautier, Louis Vuitton or Rouge.
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Born in Palma de Mallorca on 16 September 1964 is a Spanish actress best known as “Almodóvar girl” and has also been the muse of famous designer Jean Paul Gautier. With a different face, his face almost Cubist belonging to Picasso has achieved success thanks to their self-esteem, their self-esteem and absolute confidence in herself.
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That is why the famous designer noticed her. Both shared the same concept and a unique insight into the world of fashion. They liked not follow any rules and that is why they congenial as well.In his farewell designer prat-a-pòrter (to devote himself exclusively to haute couture) didm´t want Rossy de Palma missing the ceremony, being the godmother of it.
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