Sunday, August 18, 2019

Interview with International Male Model: Nick Flatt!

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Today’s Spotlight – Nick Flatt. We talked about his fast ascent to an international top model much in demand and about issues that matter to him nowadays.

Hey Nick! You are internationally much in demand and you work with the big names in the industry. How did you get there? Tell us a little bit about the first steps of your modeling career and what happened after that?

 It was a sunny day and I went for lunch with my best friend, when Eva Gödel from TIAD agency approached me and asked whether I have ever considered working as a model. I was very surprised, because I never thought about it before and I never had anything to do with the fashion industry. But my interest arose immediately.  So I got an appointment at the agency and two weeks later I was in Paris for the fashion week.
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Have you always dreamed of becoming a model? What was your original profession and how did you come to modeling?
 No, to be quite honest, I never thought about modeling. I made an apprenticeship and became an insurance broker for Allianz. After one year, I quit my job and went to IMG New York.
Sean Bennett contacted me and offered me to take over my management. I agreed and so he placed me at IMG Models New York & London, I love models Milano, Core Artist management in Hamburg and Vision in Los Angeles. 
What was your most exciting job so far?
 The most exciting job? That’s tough! To me almost every new job is exciting. I like meeting new people, facing new challenges and produce new beautiful pictures 🙂
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Are there any jobs/projects you care a lot about?
 We’ve just shooted the “Youth against Aids” campaign. I really care about this, because it’s the youth that stands up for other young people educating them and generating some really valuable prevention work.
If you could pick one photographer of your choice, which one would you like working with?
 Definitely Peter Lindbergh or Elizaveta Porodina, and if they would still be alive, I would also love to work with Richard Alvedon and with Herb Ritts.
Modeling can be a tough job, what do you do in your free time to balance the job?
 It’s true, sometimes it can be a really tough job. In summer times I do wakeboarding and in winter I play a lot of chess and sometimes I rent a plain and fly a little tour. Flying is fascinating me, because you change perspectives. In my off-season, I usually travel south towards warmer regions and enjoy the sun as a traveller.
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