Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Being Gay was Cool with Nordic Vikings!

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Same sex relations happened frequently for Nordic Vikings 

Are you a fan of history? Do you like reading about what it was like to be gay centuries ago? I know I sure do! That's why I was so happy to learn that you could bottom like a Rockstar for extremely attractive guys with impressive physiques if you were a member the Nordic Vikings.
There was one catch though – you had to let them inseminate you.
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In fact, the more man-milk that entered your body, the better. That’s because followers of the Viking God believed an’s strength came from semen.
The Viking period took place from 793–1066 AD.  Men from this era hailed primarily from modern-day Scandinavia; Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland respectively.

Homosexuality and the Vikings

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Scholarly research tells us that homosexuality was not regarded by the Viking peoples as being evil, perverted, innately against the laws of nature .

Rather, it was seen through the lens of leader vs. follower, with bottom-men being submissive to guys who were stronger. By absorbing their essence– in all of the ways that is possible- it was believed power could be derived from a God.

Viking Training and The Rope Line

As part of the preparation process in the run-up to raiding a city (known as a sack), warriors would battle one another using wooden swords and shields.
Typically, such training sessions contained clades of 20 men.
According to ancient texts, winners and losers of such competitions were divided into two groups. The “Vinnas” [Icelandic for winners] and “vatas” [losers].
If you were a loser, you were required to gather with other vatas on one side of a rope line. Vinnas stood on the other side.
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What Happened If You Lost?

If you were a loser, you were required to get on bended knee and petition the Nordic God Freyr for guidance. Your singular goal was to pray for his intervention to become stronger and more agile.
After prayers were over, the action began. Winning Vikings would step over the rope and grab the vatas at will. Resistance was not part of the dynamic.
If you were a losing Viking, it was pretty much guaranteed you’d willingly take the essence from one or more of the Vinnas.
If you were particularly bad during test battles, it was not uncommon to have three or four Vinnas on hand, making sure you got plenty of God’s ambrosia.
And here is the thing – to waste one drop of milk was considered highly offensive to Freyr.
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But going by what we know, it doesn’t sound like that was a problem.
The ancient texts tell us that losers eagerly took in the winners’ offerings. The reason was simple – they wanted to capture their energy, channeled through Freyr himself.
Unlike the draconian behaviors taken against gay people during the time of ancient Rome, Vikings did not see man on man action as “wrong” and therefore did not punish.
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Instead, it was an opportunity for renewal and restoration.
It is believed that the Paris Sack of 845 was in large part successful because the Vikings had trained well in advance of the invasion.
Was this because men channeled Freyr, through semen exchange, in the weeks leading up to this battle? We have no way of knowing. But one can only assume that given ancient Viking tradition, it is entirely possible.
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Homosexuality and the Vikings

Male warriors of the Viking period were frequently intimate with one another.
It was only after the onset of Christianity that homosexual relations became condemned. But even then, some Vikings did things with one another anyway in defiance of the Church.
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