Saturday, June 8, 2019

Male Model Daniel Lonnstrom: World Premiere Interview

Image result for Daniel Lonnstrom
Swedish male model Daniel Lonnstrom in an exclusive interview about his career, his favorite hangout spots, what he does to stay in shape & more.
Agencies: Fusion New York, Elite London, M4 Germany, Independent Milan, Major Paris.
Milestones: Versace and Louis Vuitton Shows, United Colors of Benetton, Nivea skincare, Banana Republic and GAP campaigns.
Current location: New York.
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How did you first get into modeling? And how long have you been modeling?
A friend of mine that had a connection with an agency in Milan thought I should try. We took some photos while I was competing at a waterski competition in Denmark. Next thing I knew I was on a plane to Italy. That was 10 Years ago, holy crap time flies!

What does your career do for you?
So far it has taken me to a lot of places I could’ve never imagined when I first started out. But I think the most important thing I’ve gotten out of it is the variety of countries and people I’ve met and the realization we are all the same. The knowledge of traveling is something you can’t study, it has to be experienced. It’s a great education!
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What’s your most memorable shoot?
I’m gonna name the worst and the best shoot(so far), they are both very memorable.
The worst shoot was at the Ice Hotel (yes, it’s a hotel made completely out of ice) in the very north of Sweden, -40 C outside. We were shooting swimwear for 2 days inside the Ice Hotel where the temperature was -10 C, It’s by far the coldest most painful shoot I’ve ever done. If I’m having a bad day I think about those days and I feel better. AND I never got to see the pictures from the shoot even!
The best shoot so far happened really recently actually. I was in Hawaii for a week just before Christmas and it’s just an incredible place filled with good energy and stunning nature. And somewhat of a dream came true during that week since they had me waterskiing for the pictures. I finally tied the bag together with my old competitive waterski background and my job as a model, 10 years later!
Daniel Lonnstrom Male Model Interview

What are the pros of being a model?
The freedom to explore your talents, if you don’t have any you will find them! The down time between jobs and castings gives you a great opportunity to dig deeper and find out different sides about yourself. If it’s learning the jazz flute or studying to be a lawyer doesn’t really matter, but you will have time to do so.
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What’s the biggest misconception about the male modeling industry?
That we are all dumb! We are an easy target I guess and some jobs don’t take a lot brains, I get it. But it’s not the actual job that’s hard, it’s all the work in between, the work that no one sees. Staying in shape, doing the right castings, being with the right agencies, having the right manager, getting the right pictures etc. All of that is a lot of work. All people see is the final product, the picture in the magazine. Sarcastic sentences such as: “Yeah that looks really difficult buddy” “Oh your job is really hard, poor you” If you are a model and reading this you know exactly what I mean. We get to hear it all the time. Most guys and girls I meet are well traveled, open-minded and doing something interesting on the side while they travel the world.
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What are your other passions outside of modeling?
Long distance Triathlons, Playing my guitar, Surfing and taking pictures with my film camera. I’m really good at just enjoying life and doing absolutely nothing also, haha.

What do you do to stay in shape?
I swim, bike and run. My latest hobby is Triathlons. It takes a lot of time but it’s a lot of fun. It’s not only a physical challenge but a very mental one as well, long hours of training and competing. I love it.

What are the top five items every man should have in his pantry?
Oatmeal, Chia seeds, Peanut or almond butter, Pasta, Bananas.
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What are your favorite hang out spots in the city you live in (current location)?
I live in New York so the list could be made very long. But if I’m running around the city for castings I usually stop and have a coffee at ACE Hotel, it’s a dark spot in the middle of town, I can sit there for while! After that I go and have lunch at either City Bakery or Dig Inn, both places uses local, seasonal and organic ingredients, very tasty. For the evening I’ll stop by my local bar Ramona in Greenpoint. It’s always someone I know there and they make great cocktails if you are into that, otherwise they have good beer as well. I’ll have a beer.
What do you think MODELLIST-ID can do for the model community?
It’s a great way to share stories and knowledge between each other. If it’s a good agency, a nice gym or a tasty cafe you are searching for before your travels starts, MODELLIST-ID can give you a heads up before you go or if you starting to feel lost when you are already there. Good job guys, a little guidance can go a long way!
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What is your advice to aspiring models?
Do your homework. What agencies are good/bad? Read up about your local agencies in your city. Get some test shots from a respected photographer that your agency has set up. Don’t pay for anything. If an agency believes in you then they will front the expenses before you start making money. Start there before cleaning out your parents’ bank account and buying a one-way ticket to New York. Start local and grow into it. If you have what it takes you will get your chance.

Any specific plans for the future?
My future plan is to be a better Triathlete. I live day by day pretty much so can only see my future so far, but this year it is being a better triathlete. Last year I did the triathlons as a charity event where I raised money for a Children’s hospital, so that’s what got me into the whole thing from the beginning. But now I wanna be better at it!
I’m also looking into buying a house, either close to the water or deep in the forest somewhere, a secluded place where I can sit and listen to my records. Haha.
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