Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Interview Male Model: Stefan Froschl: What is Your Best Model Experience Ever?

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The handsome Stefan Fröschl is becoming bigger and bigger in the fashion industry. Check out this super fun interview with him!
Nationality: German
Agencies: Talents Models (Munich), Marilyn Agency (Paris), Touche Models (Amsterdam), D1 Models (NYC / London), Joy Models (Milan)
Milestones: CK Presentation 2016, BMW i3 Campaign 2015, Hudson Campaign 2014, Intersection Magazin with Stefan Armbuster
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Current location: Munich
Tell us about your career as a model. How did you get started?
Hello, I was announced in the Munich subway, because I was just 21 years old, not even the younger. This agent had previously been with Majoer Models and had become self-employed. At first, I was skeptical but after only a few weeks, I could not bother enough modeling
When did you first sign with an agency and what was that like?
It was, if I remember correctly in 2012, at the Munich-based agency Talents Models, which has remained my mother’s agency to this day. At the first moment, I could not really believe it .. I model?! .. But then I quickly fell in love with it: D For me the bookers are like good friends who have accompanied me throughout much of my life and that’s what I am for very grateful!

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What is one of your favorite photographs from your career so far? Who shot it?
That’s not so easy to say, but I think it was with my name grease, Stefan Armbuster. He was once himself a very successful international male model who has been a top photographer for over 20 years. I had the honor to shoot with him for the Intersection magazine and a BWM z4 prototype, the car was really awesome and the team very professional!
What is your best model experience ever?
My most interesting model experience was definitely in China (Beijing), which was primarily a culture shock, far from home in a country about which little was known. At first, it was not easy, I give open and honest to .. The country and the people .. The air pollution is really worse than you think and that robs a lot of quality of life. But man adapts and, all in all, it was one of the most memorable experiences in my life so far :)!

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What are the main challenges in modeling today?
Staying true to yourself is the time to enjoy yourself and not bow to any jobs or special markets. A model must have something charismatic for me that is different from others. Every human being is different, but in some, the genetic allows them to stand out. You have to accept this property, even if it is not always as easy as most people think, and you learn to use it correctly in decisive moments.
How would you describe a model life?
very varied, if you are a diverse person. If not, it can be a disaster. You have to be extremely disciplined because you have a lot of free time that you should use skillfully.

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Do you think models are able to find long lasting friendships within the industry today?
Not really, the industry thrives on the constant change, but it is also here to lean on Charismatic brands that fit well with his type.
What is your big model dream?
I think that of every model. You have to be lucky twice in the life of a model. The first time that you become an international model and accepted there in the market. The second time you have to be extremely lucky and be discovered by one of the top designers. In short, to campaign for a brand like D & G (Light Blue). It goes through the whole world and its posters decorate all the major shopping malls in the world

What is your favorite thing to do when not working?
Philosophize about the world 🙂
Take us through a typical day in the life of Stefan?
Get up, study, sport, social media, study, maybe meet friends andSleep : D 
not as spectacular as yours
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How do you keep your body in good shape?
Consistent training, a reasonably balanced diet, and mental fitness
What’s your favorite place in the world?
St. Tropez and Munich
Give us 5 fun facts people might not know about you yet.
I’ll take care hahaha
What do you think MODELLIST-ID can do for the model community?
I think it creates a certain overview of the individual models worldwide, possibly even a small ranking, because what would the world without competition 🙂
Do you have any model friend you would like to see presented on Modellist-ID?
Stefan Pollmann, Alexander Burgmayr, Niklas Becher, Michael Eder,
Image result for stefan fröschl modelImage result for stefan fröschl modelImage result for stefan fröschl model

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